Page 11 - KZN Leaders Portfolio E-BOOK 2107
P. 11

CEO and Artistic Director, The Playhouse Company    region. Another popular development project is the
          Durban                                              bi-monthly Test Driving the Arts lunch hour concerts,
                                                              which create a platform for entry-level artists to gain
                 INDA BUKHOSINI, a Masters graduate           exposure and performance experience opportunities at
                 from New York’s Juilliard School, is widely   The Playhouse.
                 recognised as one of Africa’s prominent arts’
         Lleaders, noted for her directional vision. She is     Other notable achievements in Bukhosini’s
          the chief executive officer and artistic director of The   administrative portfolio have been the on-going
          Playhouse Company in Durban, where, since taking    presentations of the National Isicathamiya Programme
          office, she has played a major role in establishing   and the annual South African Women’s Arts Festival,
          equitable distribution of performance opportunities   each of which is held under auspices of the Playhouse
          for artists and art forms expressive of all sectors of the   Company in Durban every year.
          South African community.                              Closely linked to her passion is the sustainability of
                                                              the arts and the creation of new artistic work. Under
           Since Bukhosini took over the helm of The Playhouse   Bukhosini’s leadership two residency programmes
          Company, it has achieved six clean audit reports since   have been successfully implemented in the form of the
          2011, having being preceded by four unqualified audit   Playhouse Dance Residency and the Playhouse Actors
          reports between the periods 2007 and 2010.
                                                              Studio. Within these programmes, artists receive the
           In line with the standard practice of good         opportunity for further development and training in
          governance and responsible citizenship, The Playhouse   various fields of the performing arts under the guidance
          Company continues to offer quality services to the   of seasoned professional mentors. Furthermore, they are
          artistic community and audiences alike in Durban,   schooled in the “business” of the arts and encouraged
          KwaZulu-Natal. Under the helm of Bukhosini, artistic   to start their own companies, with input and guidance
          programming at The Playhouse reflects quality       on various related administrative matters.
          productions that nourish the soulful artistic palette   In the global arts sector, Bukhosini is an active
          for both arts practitioners and audiences alike and   member of the International Society for The Performing
          programming that is relevant to nation building, which   Arts (ISAPA). Bukhosini was responsible for mounting
          celebrates diverse cultural and artistic heritage.
                                                              the first ever ISPA conference to be presented on
           The Playhouse has become synonymous with staging   the African continent. This ground-breaking venture,
          award-winning productions of the highest calibre, such   which was organised and hosted by The Playhouse
          as Westside Story, Handel’s Messiah, Cinderella, David   Company in Durban in June 2008, proved to be a
          Mamet’s Race and the most recent box office hit, The   highly successful event, which garnered a stream of
          Sound of Music. All of these productions featured the   appreciative feedback from delegates.
          crème of South Africa’s artistic crop, yielding wide
          public and critical acclaim.                          Bukhosini’s well-informed business strategy
                                                              within the arts stems from her passion and personal
           Bukhosini has introduced a series of trailblazing   accomplishments as a highly respected artiste.
          initiatives into The Playhouse Company’s management.   Behind the scenes – as one of South Africa’s eminent
          These include annual programmes such as ongoing     sopranos – Bukhosini is noted for her highly evolved
          community arts development initiatives. These       performance skills. She has appeared with leading
          initiatives are geared to provide a step-up for semi-  conductors and world renowned musicians in South
          professional artists.
                                                              Africa, the UK, Brazil, Germany, the United States,
           Other initiatives include The Playhouse Company’s   Russia, India, Malaysia and Algeria. As a guest artist,
          hosting a regular Arts Network Forum that engages   Bukhosini has performed for many leading dignitaries
          with artists at grassroots level throughout the Durban   including State Presidents.

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