Page 105 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 105
Dealer Principal at CMH Nissan Durban scope is one of the reasons why I have remained
working for as long as I have with this brand.”
TUART SINGLETON is the dealer principal at He believes that his success in the industry has
CMH Nissan Durban. He is responsible for been shaped by his personal values, which are
the motor dealership in its entirety, which based on having respect for other people. “Treat
Sincludes sales, parts, service and finance and people with respect in everything you do, and you
says that his days are often hectic.
will get results. The most important thing is to be
Singleton has been involved in the motor industry honest, to be straight down the line. It is often the
his entire life. He says, “Petrol and diesel run hardest thing to say no but it may be necessary.”
through my veins.” From the time that he was in Singleton looks after a team of about 70 staff
grade eight, he was earning pocket money washing members across the various divisions at the
caravans during school holidays for his father’s dealership. He says that one of the most important
caravan business. things in running the dealership effectively is not
He commented that his eldest brother Sean, who only looking after his customers but looking after his
has also followed a career in the motor industry, has staff. “The better I look after my staff, the better they
been a big inspiration and mentor in both his life will look after our clients.” He added that in order
and in his professional journey. to make things happen you have to be prepared to
participate in a give and take scenario.
Singleton joined the CMH Nissan Group 17 years
ago and initially started off at the Pinetown dealer- He says that there are currently challenges to
ship. As he lives in Durban North, the opportunity the motor industry as disposable income has
to take over the running of the Durban dealership been negatively affected in the current economic
was convenient and of much value. Significantly, environment. “There are more regulations, such
CMH Nissan Durban is now KwaZulu-Natal’s as the National Credit Act and FICA, but these are
largest Nissan dealer and one of Durban’s premier there to protect people.”
car dealerships. Situated in the centre of Durban, Singleton has been honoured to win awards as a
the dealership sells more motor vehicles than any CMH Nissan Dealer Principle of The Year for three
other Nissan dealership in the country. years in 2014, 2016 and again in 2017. These awards,
he says, have been unbelievable achievements and
“The Durban city node is active and getting better
every year. There is also an inner-city renewal of which he is very proud.
programme underway, which is great for the future In the near future, he is looking forward to the
of this dealership,” said Singleton. The city location availability of new Nissan Intelligent Mobility tech-
means that much of the dealership’s business nologies, which will change the way that we drive as
is directed to the sale of vehicles, fleet sales, well as shape our expectations of cars. The launch of
commercial vehicles and their maintenance. The the new LEAF, which is the second generation of the
client base includes young first-time buyers who are world’s best-selling electric car has also entrenched
interested in purchasing used cars. the growth of the Nissan brand further.
Singleton says, “My success has been driven by my When not at work, Singleton enjoys spending time
commitment to this brand.” One of the things that he with his family, his wife and children, and enjoys
enjoys about working for the CMH Nissan Group is riding his bicycle and playing golf. He is looking
that he is encouraged to be an entrepreneur. “I enjoy forward to participating in various cycling events
getting out there and making things happen. This during the year.