Page 21 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
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CEO at Belgotex always plain sailing, but by doing so they create
greater opportunities and a greater meaning in what
DWARD COLLE, after completing his they do. “When facing challenges,” says Colle,
studies at Stellenbosch, Colle spent four “managing your frustrations and focusing on your
years working in one of his mother’s objectives are essential.”
Ebusinesses before officially joining Belgotex. The “Belgotex Green Journey” was initiated
He views this time as vital to his professional well before he joined the company, and he is
development, and the broad foundation he gained committed to taking it to the next level. He views
in this smaller business has stood him in good stead the environmental sustainability of the business as
in his career at Belgotex. best practice, and as a never-ending journey.
Belgotex was founded in the 1950s and evolved into “On a fundamental level, if we cannot look after
a multi-national corporate spanning five continents. our planet and the society that occupies it, we will
Despite being brought up in the flooring industry have a very dysfunctional set of circumstances
and being the third generation in this family-owned which will put immense pressure on business, as
business, Colle earned his stripes before being the environment will not be conducive to any form
promoted to the executive team. Starting on the of growth.”
factory floor, he moved slowly through the business,
taking learnings from each stage of his journey and Belgotex believes wholeheartedly in a ‘hand-up’
getting to know the staff on a personal level. rather than a ‘hand-out’ approach, and Colle is
co-founder of the Belgotex Foundation which was
Colle has spent the last eleven years with Belgotex established seven years ago. The Foundation’s focus
and was appointed as CEO of Belgotex in August was initially focused on three key areas: wildlife
2018. He has a passion for the industry which conservation, early childhood development and
motivates him daily and is committed to building the economic upliftment through vocational training, but
company’s brand. Sustainability in all aspects of the has recently morphed into something much bigger.
business is central to the way Belgotex does business.
“We’re proud to be associated with initiatives that
Colle brings a unique perspective to the business. support the efforts of communities and individuals
He is acutely aware of the value of multiple insights to improve their socio-economic circumstances,”
and diversity of opinion, and says this inclusive says Colle. “And we have the opportunity to make
attitude allows him to have an objective view of the a significant difference in society through the scale
world. This embodies his philosophy that there is no we’ve created.”
black or white in life and that your experiences and
exposure to life are going to inform your perspective. On a personal level, Colle and his wife Sarah are
embarking on a 90-hectare agricultural restoration
Colle has a progressive management style and project. Sarah is a chef by profession so has always
strongly supports the concept of the win-win had a passion for food. Their plan is to run a training
approach. He has a clear vision for the future of facility for the community in which they live so that
Belgotex and the company continually strives to these skills can be transferred and create a restaurant
develop the business and inspire their people to and deli which serves all the local ingredients to
achieve the unimaginable. its patrons.
Colle credits his ability to empathise with others, “I’m not sure that we will ever find the perfect
and trying to understand other people’s viewpoints, balance in life between work, family and social,”
as a strength that he contributed to his success. He says Colle, “but we try to juggle these three balls as
points out that challenging the status quo is not effectively as possible.”