Page 49 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 49
Joint MD of Capitol Caterers that our menus are within our clients’ vastly different
needs and budgets.”
ERRILL KING, joint MD of Capitol In addition, Capitol Caterers not only keeps
Caterers, has had a 36-year career in up with food trends but ensures that all the food
the food industry. King, when having that is prepared in their kitchens is nutritious and
Mto decide on a career path, followed fulfils a wide range of dietary needs while being
in her brother’s footsteps who was working in the beautifully presented.
hospitality industry, and was lured by the ‘romance’
of working in the kitchen. “We pride ourselves in continually striving for
excellence and in ensuring that our food is
She qualified as a chef through the trainee interesting, local and relevant, but most importantly,
programme at the Royal Hotel in Durban. This being steadfastly mindful of our footprint on the
culinary background has served her well, providing environment by adhering to strict QMS and ISO
King with a thorough knowledge of food preparation practices.”In order to ensure that the staff are
and service. She has served as Group Executive skilled, Capitol Caterers has registered Midlands
Chef for a period of ten years at Capitol Caterers. Hospitality Academy (MHA), which is accredited
However, together with joint MD Russell Nzimande, by the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations
King now focuses on the business side of managing (QCTO) and CATHSSETA. Staff empowerment has
Capitol Caterers’ daily operations.
been promoted through the company’s Workers
Headquartered in Pietermaritzburg, Capitol Trust. In an empowerment deal initiated in 2003,
Caterers was founded in 1993 by her husband Giles the beneficiaries have grown to 570 and now boast a
who in the current role as chairman, still plays an 49% share in Capitol Caterers.
active role in the business. The company is currently King commented that in addition to empowering
entering its 26th year of service and caters for clients staff, the company needed to continually make its
in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, presence known in the marketplace through active
Free State, Gauteng as well as in Eswatini. marketing campaigns. In order to obtain some life
King says that much of her time is spent travelling balance, King enjoys spending time in the gym,
to the regional offices to ensure that these operations paddling or running to stay fit and ‘to ensure a flow
are well supported. In addition, she values the of endorphins’.
relationships that she has developed with her staff She is a competitive canoeist who has won several
and she strives to understand their needs and ensure age-category gold medals in the Dusi and Fish River
that they are happy. Marathons as well as a silver medal with partner,
“We favour a collaborative style of leadership and Sonja Bohnsack, at the World Marathon Canoeing
obtain input from all divisions when decisions are Championships in Pietermaritzburg in 2017. She
to be made. Within the catering environment, all hopes to complete her 16th Dusi in 2020.
of our staff play important roles. While wages may King has also competed in running events including
motivate some staff members, supporting our staff two Comrades Marathons and five Two Oceans
so that they are happy means that all our clients are ultra-marathons.
happy too,” commented King.
King was the first woman to hold the position
Capitol Caterers has over 100 clients in different of president of Canoeing South Africa, which she
sectors. These range from the education and health occupied from 2008-2010. She is a long-serving
sectors, to the commercial and the retirement sectors.
board member of the South African Confederation of
“The catering business is hard work. In order to Sport and Olympic Committee (SASCOC). Whenever
meet these varied sector needs, a standardised possible, King enjoys relaxing with her husband, their
approach or menu is not possible. We have to ensure three children and grandson.