Page 95 - KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK 2019
P. 95
KZN Office Managing Partner at Deloitte She also notes that the courage to step out of your
comfort zone and a willingness to be uncomfortable
uwayda Redfearn, joined Deloitte as a is vital to success. “It’s hard taking on new
trainee accountant. At that time there was challenges and sometimes you need to face that to
only one Black partner in the region – and speak up and take action. But I believe this ability
Rthat person was certainly not a woman! has contributed to my success.”
This wasn’t just representative of Deloitte; the entire Redfearn is inspired by nature, family, people. Her
profession was very different in 1997. But Redfearn journey is not a relentless quest for success, but
is testament to the transformation of the accounting she does strive to live her life to the fullest every
world since then. day, and take advantage of every opportunity. She
After completing her articles, Redfearn went to also deliberately aims to be a positive influence for
Deloitte New York on secondment, a move that others, in the same way others have been for her.
opened her world. When she returned to Durban “I don’t enjoy hierarchy and I like taking people
to take up the role of audit manager, she took along a journey with me. I believe that I am
every opportunity to work on global projects and approachable and hopefully I do inspire people.
gained invaluable experience in Germany, Japan, I enjoy giving others the platform to succeed and
the United States, Singapore, the UK and Spain. get a lot of personal fulfilment in being part of the
“This global experience, and the understanding and development of others.”
appreciation I gained of various cultures, has shaped
the person that I am today,” says Redfearn. One of the highlights of Redfearn’s career was
chairing the Deloitte Young Partners’ Advisory
During her early days at Deloitte, she continued Council in 2008/2009, reporting to the Deloitte
to work hard, raise her hand to take on difficult global CEO. The Council comprised 27 young
projects and challenge herself to make her mark partners, each from different countries and Redfearn
on a profession that was transforming. She was had the opportunity to lead this diverse team for a
appointed partner in 2004 and credits her partners year, an experience she describes as “a phenomenal
and mentors within Deloitte for much of her success.
experience in leadership and innovation”.
In 2012, Redfearn left the firm to take on a role
Redfearn’s optimism is tangible. She notes that
in commerce, a decision that she says gave her being a black woman in the profession in the
invaluable experience and more opportunity for late 90s had its challenges, but in retrospect, she
growth. After three years, she returned to Deloitte chooses to see it rather as “exceptional experiences
as regional leader for the KZN region, and she
currently also serves on the Deloitte Africa Board for personal development”. She also points out that
and chairs the firm’s Remuneration Committee. Deloitte is a very different place today, and that
the company’s transformation achievements bears
Redfearn points out that while people seem to testimony to that.
think that chartered accountants are little grey
men with minimal personality, she has found the She’s very proud of the growth of the Deloitte KZN
opposite to be true. “This is a career where the region and the firm’s contribution to the growth in
ability to interact with people from all walks of life, the province.
form interpersonal relationships and build a strong Living by her motto that a society grows great
network is absolutely key. Fortunately, this has been when old men plant trees in whose shade they know
a strength of mine. But hard work, perseverance and they shall never sit, Redfearn strives to plant as many
being ‘thick-skinned’ also helps.” trees as she can.