Page 150 - 2019\20 KZN Top Business Portfolio - EBOOK
P. 150
� Wayne Erradu, Erica Floweday, Iain Emerson
LEVERAGING TECHNOLOGY NETCONFIG began in 1999 during the Y2k bubble
burst when many information technology companies
From boxes to multimillion-rand business, 2019 marks were floundering, and the world thought computers
the 20th anniversary of Network Configurations. where going to crash globally. Iain Emerson,
NETCONFIG has become one of the most successful founder and managing director of NETCONFIG was
Information Technology (IT) companies in KwaZulu- caught up in the bubble, operating a small branch
Natal and they’re proud to mark their momentous 20- office of a Gauteng based company that liquidated,
year milestone. resulting in him making a decision, find other job or
start a business!
They would like to acknowledge the support they’ve
received from over 200 clients spread throughout The company started in Iain’s sister’s rented house
Africa, many of whom have been with the company as a “One Man Band” and used the assistance of a
for more than 15 years. They are a Specialist Cloud friend when needed. After moving to his own house
Solution and Technology Service Provider that strive and operating from home, it was not practical to have
to exceed their clients’ expectations by leveraging staff inside the house. So a cottage was built for the
technology to solve business challenges with a core business to operate from. The NETCONFIG helpdesk
focus on: system was a simple exercise book, and eventually
the office got too small as Suppliers were sitting on
� IT Support Services and Outsourcing computer boxes or in the garden.
� Cloud Services and CRM Software Solutions
� Software Development and Business Intelligence Machines were built at night with family members’
� Microsoft Office & Office 365 Training helping out. Growth happened, business boomed,
� Networking, Cabling and Wireless, CCTV their next move was to Surrey Park and finally to