Page 7 - KZN Top Business Portfolio eBook -2024
P. 7

                                               TOP BUSINESS PORTFOLIO

                                        Grant Adlam


          EVOLVING THROUGH THE TIMES, KEEPING   The printed publication is produced for ease of
                                             distribution and is much in demand. The electronic
          NETWORKING ALIVE                   flipbook is also widely utilised and accessed globally.
          The KZN Business Portfolio was created to give   The Portfolio’s ongoing success has been achieved
          national and international potential investors a quick   using a comprehensive and well optimised multimedia
          glimpse of the economic horizon of the province.  We   website. Please visit for
          started marketing content in 1999 and that’s what   ‘The List’ of participating clients. This list gets updated
          we still do today. As such, over the last quarter of a   frequently and on demand.
          century, we have been showcasing KZN’s successes   We take delight in sharing news and other articles on
          to the rest of Africa and the world.
                                             a range of social media platforms – all interfaced to
          Every business has a story to tell and KZN Top Business   give maximum exposure to our clients.
          specialises  in  putting  good  news  and  product   We  take great  pleasure  in our  additional     partner
          information in the public domain. For businesses to   programmes  that  provide  platforms  to  market
          engage with all stakeholders and other entities, the need   products and/or services and grow brand recognition.
          for effective channels of communication is emphasised.
                                             We also are able to connect you with other successful
          In addition, KZN Top Business has evolved over the years   brands for mutual benefit.
          into an annual membership programme with gigantic   We believe that through the KZN Top Business
          benefits not only to the KZN Province but all featured   Portfolio we provide a launch pad for the future of
          companies. The value-added concessions to members   business in KwaZulu-Natal. Though collaboration
          include hard copies, ebooks, blogs, newsletters, press
          releases, email campaigns, a YouTube channel, social   we can continue to make great things happen.
          networks, international linkages, pressroom services,   Finally, I wish to thank all those who have
          webinars, and the list goes on. It’s this multifaceted   contributed information, as well as those who have
          approach to content management that makes us   assisted in putting together this edition of the KZN
          successful as a publishing house.  Top Business Portfolio.

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