Page 13 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
P. 13

Don’t put your makeup on and be someone you’re not.

                              Be you, even if it is crazy and outgoing – I think that’s cool.

                                                          stepping into a new field without that support was a  “Her question was a powerful reminder that, despite the
                                                          challenge. However, her mother, Barbie Rowe, (Barbara  challenges I’ve faced, I am standing strong. I realised in
          Lance Klusener Exclusives and Friends
                                                          Constance Rowe) remains her biggest inspiration. “She  that moment that my resilience and perseverance are
                                                          taught me from a young age that you don’t have to  inspiring others. That woman was amazed by my strength,
              anine De Jesus has built an extraordinary career in   rely on people; you can do it yourself,” Janine recalls. It  and it reinforced for me that not everyone can overcome
              South Africa’s real estate industry, a path she began   was her mother who nurtured her confidence, enrolling  the hardships I had to endure—but I did.”
         Jat the age of 21 as a Principal. As the co-founder
          of Lance Klusener Exclusives and Friends, Janine’s   her in speech and drama classes to combat shyness   Moments like these remind me of the importance of
          journey has been shaped by personal challenges and   and even encouraging her to pursue modelling, an   standing tall and being a source of strength for others.
          professional triumphs. She reflects on her introduction   experience that helped shape Janine into the poised   Even if you don’t know someone personally, always stand
          to real estate, inspired by her father, saying, “Once you   and confident leader she is today.   by their truth. Supporting others, regardless of familiarity,
          get into real estate, it’s like a bug. It just bites you. And   One of the greatest hurdles Janine has faced in her career  is a powerful act of kindness and strength.”
          you’re just taken by it.”                       was  a malicious  cyberbullying  campaign. “Everything
                                                          I did, they put horrible things on social media,” Janine   Her drive to inspire others has extended to mentoring
          Janine’s passion, however, transcends just property                                              women in the business. Janine has watched many
          sales. She found her true calling in developing people,   reveals. While this deeply affected her emotionally and   women struggle or fail, and she stands as a beacon of
          recruiting, and growing companies. “I’ve always been a   impacted her business, she stood firm and refused to   support. “Watching how women particularly have failed
          natural-born CEO,” she says. Her leadership has been   be broken. “It taught me how to stand up,” she explains.   or been hurt... as a life coach and motivational speaker, I
          instrumental in transforming the real estate landscape,   “Cyberbullying affects so many women CEOs, young   believe you always have to be learning-based,” she says.
          especially with the introduction of the NQF 4 and NQF   children, and business individuals. There’s a need to   Her advice to young women is simple: “Believe in yourself.
          5 qualifications, which she embraced as a necessary step   address this.”                        Don’t be afraid of hard work, and don’t be afraid of taking
          in professionalising the industry. “There was a need for   Janine has used the experience as an opportunity to  a risk.”
          property practitioners to be looked after,” Janine explains,   advocate against cyberbullying, especially among young
          which led her to become not only a real estate expert but   people.  “I’ve started  doing  talks  at  schools,  helping   Janine  is  equally enthusiastic about community involve-
          also a life coach and motivational speaker.     individuals deal with how to overcome cyberbullying and   ment and is an active fundraiser for poverty relief.
          Janine’s leadership at Lance Klusener Exclusives and   how to deal with it,” she shares.         Holistic Approach
          Friends  is fuelled by a  passion to empower others,   For Janine, the most important lesson she has learned
          especially young people and those transitioning from   through her journey is to “stand in your truth.” As she   Her successes have been acknowledged through awards,
          professional sports to new careers. Partnering with South   puts it, “As long as you know your truth, you’re OK. Let   such as the Second Princess in the Mrs KZN competition
          African cricket icon Lance Klusener, she has created a VIP   AI create things, let people say things, but the people   and  numerous  accolades  for  her  communication  skills
          real estate brand that offers training and coaching for   that know you and value you will stand by you.” She   and leadership.
          former athletes, helping them find success in business.   added, “It’s crucial for women to stand up for each other.   One of Janine’s dreams is to build the largest real estate
          “We are taking them in, and I am training, coaching, and   People will always talk, but your truth is what matters.”   brand in South Africa and to have over one hundred
          growing them  to be in their own  business under the   Janine acknowledges how heart breaking it can be   property practitioners. She envisions her company as a
          Lance Klusener Exclusive brand,” she says.                                                       powerhouse in the industry, fuelled by her determination
                                                          when people judge you based on rumours or false
          Do It Yourself                                  accusations, but she has learned to rise above it.  and ability to overcome obstacles.

          Janine acknowledges the personal losses she faced along   Empowering Others                      Janine’s philosophy is grounded in authenticity. “Don’t
          the way, especially the death of both her parents in 2018,   One  of  the  proudest  moments  of  Janine’s  journey  was   put your makeup on and be someone you’re not. Be
          just four months apart. “Lots of blood, sweat, and tears     when she was approached by a woman after one of her   you,  even  if  it  is  crazy  and  outgoing  —  I  think  that’s
          went  into  this  journey,”  she  says,  highlighting  the  per-                                 cool.” Of note her holistic approach to life and work
          severance needed to thrive in the industry.     motivational talks who asked, “How are you still alive  is what sets her apart. She finds balance in spending
                                                          after everything you’ve been through, especially the  quality time with her blended family of five children and
          He father was a business partner and as a woman CEO  cyberbullying?”                             a supportive husband.

                                                                                                                     Janine DE JESUS              |   11
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