Page 21 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
P. 21

I know where my blessings come from, and that motivates me

                                           to give without expecting anything in return.

                                                          A Passion for Giving Back                        wanted to be the one in my family to make a difference,”
                                                                                                           she recalls. Through sheer hard work, dedication, and
          SA Water Products                               For Annelene, success goes beyond financial gain.   a strong belief in herself, she rose to the top. “I’m the
                                                          “People often focus on pay cheques and achievements,   only one in my family who owns a business, and I’m
                 nnelene Govender, the proud owner of  but to me, success is about doing something that makes   successful because I’ve always believed in my ability to
                 SA Water Products, located  in Richards  a difference in someone else’s life,” she explains.  achieve my dreams.”
         A Bay, embodies resilience, ambition, and  an
          unwavering commitment to giving back to her local   While her business reflects her professional accomplish-  Annelene’s father remains a significant influence on her
          community.  “I’ve  always  believed  that  whatever  you   ments, Annelene’s heart lies in her desire to give back   journey. “My dad raised five children on a single income,
          put your mind to, you can achieve, as long as you   to the community. “My biggest dream is to open an   and he did it selflessly. He’ll always be my hero,” she says
          believe  in  yourself,”  she  says,  a  philosophy  that  has   orphanage and an old age home, where the younger   with pride. Family is central to her life. She is a proud
          driven her impressive career.                   generation can care for the elderly,” she shares.  mother to her four-year-old son, Sian, and finds constant

          Born on a beautiful farm in Nonoti,  Annelene’s early life   This vision is deeply personal for her. “I’ve always had a   strength in her husband Selvan.
          was grounded in rural simplicity. “I studied at Stanger   soft spot for the elderly. Many children don’t take care of   Empowering Others
          Secondary before my family relocated to Richards Bay,   their parents when they get older, and that’s something I
          where I completed my matric at Richards Bay Secondary,”   want to change. The orphanage and old age home would  Despite her success, Annelene always remains grounded.
          she recalls. She wasted no time in launching her career,   be a place where both generations can support and care  “I come from humble beginnings, and I never want to
          starting work immediately after school. “Four years into   for each other.”                      lose that sense of humility. It’s important to stay grounded
          my career, I joined Amanzi Ichweba, where I began in   Her goal is to fund the project independently. “I’m   and to always look for ways to improve and help others.”
          internal sales and worked my way up to sales manager,   working towards making this a reality, and I hope the local  Consequently, Annelene’s role extends far beyond being
          and eventually, sales director.”                community will support me in achieving this dream,” she  an entrepreneur. She is also a mentor and an inspiration

          During her 14-year tenure at Amanzi Ichweba, Annelene   says with determination.                 to many. “I always try to motivate my staff to strive for
          gained  invaluable  experience  in  the  water  products   This desire to help others isn’t just a dream for the future;   excellence, to push themselves beyond their limits,” she
          industry. She credits her former employers for shaping   it’s an ethos that Annelene  lives by every day. “I believe   says. Her leadership is rooted in her own experiences of
          her business acumen. “They’ve left a remarkable impres-  you’ve never truly lived until you’ve done something   overcoming obstacles. “I’ve built my confidence over the
          sion on me. I’m grateful for their guidance, which has   for someone who can never pay you back,” she says, a   years, and now I try to pass that on to others. I tell them,
          influenced how I run my business today.”                                                         ‘Believe in yourself, and you can achieve anything’.”
                                                          statement that reflects the selflessness that drives her. She
          When the company closed its doors, Annelene seized   also acknowledges the importance of giving, stating, “I   Her advice to young women is clear and powerful: “The
          the opportunity to start her own venture. “That was   know where my blessings come from, and that motivates  world is your oyster. Go conquer it. Be a go-getter, pursue
          my moment. I had the skills, the experience, and the   me to give without expecting anything in return.”  your dreams, and trust that with faith and determination,
          passion, and I knew it was time to take the leap.” In   Building a Legacy                        you can achieve anything.”
          2018,  SA  Water  Products was  born.  The  business                                             Looking to the future, Annelene has ambitious plans
          has flourished ever since. “We’ve received immense  Annelene’s success is not just the result of hard work, but   for SA  Water Products.  “I want  to expand  the business
          support  from the local  community  and surrounding  also her ability to overcome adversity. “Being a woman   beyond Richards Bay, to broaden its footprint and make
          areas, and I couldn’t be more thankful.”        in our industry, especially in a place like Richards Bay, is   a bigger impact,” she says with confidence.
                                                          not easy,” she admits. “I’m the only woman in my field,
          Annelene attributes her success to hard work,   but I stay focused on my goals. Every challenge I face is a   In everything she does, Annelene exemplifies resilience,
          dedication, and the unwavering support of her partner,   stepping stone that helps me grow.”     selflessness, and an unwavering commitment to making
          whom she describes as her rock. “He always pushes me                                             a difference. Her journey is a testament to the power of
          to strive for excellence,” she says. Over 21 years in the  Her resilience is a trait developed early in life, having   belief, hard work, and the desire to leave a lasting legacy.
          industry, she has built solid relationships, which have  grown up in a humble home. “We came from very poor   “I know I can do it,” she says with quiet confidence,
          also played a crucial role in her growth.       beginnings, but I was determined to change that. I  “because I’m a go-getter, and I believe in myself.”

                                                                                                                 Annelene GOVENDER                |   19
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