Page 5 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
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Editors NOTE
We are delighted to present the
KZN Top Business Women 2024 Collection.
have navigated environments where women’s roles are
The KZN Top Business traditionally limited or undervalued, particularly in male-
dominated industries or culturally conservative settings.
Yet, they see these challenges not as obstacles but as
e are delighted to present the KZN Top
opportunities to showcase their capabilities, lead with
Business Women 2024 Collection. Now in
distinction, and inspire others to follow.
W its fifth year, this annual initiative continues
to grow in stature, attracting increasing interest and Equally notable is their dedication to sustainability
participation. and making a meaningful impact. These women
aim to effect positive change within their industries
Each featured woman has been professionally
and communities, whether by advocating for
photographed and participated in a video interview,
environmental practices, promoting mental health,
which forms the basis for the articles in this publication.
or integrating sustainable development into business
The full interviews are available on the KZN Top Business
operations. Their efforts are often driven by a sense
YouTube channel. To provide a consistent framework, all
of responsibility towards future generations, with a
participants were asked the same thought-provoking
shared goal of leaving a positive legacy.
questions, including:
A commitment to creating opportunities for others,
y What was your biggest dream?
especially within their communities, also unites these
y How did you get to where you are today? remarkable individuals. They are devoted to nurturing
y Who or what has inspired you? talent, supporting their teams, and empowering
y How have you made an impact on your business? others through their leadership. Their stories reflect a
y What are some of your achievements? mindset of lifelong learning and a relentless pursuit of
excellence, viewing challenges as stepping stones to
y What challenges have you experienced?
growth. This adaptability is crucial in today’s dynamic
y What advice would you give to young women?
business landscape, allowing them to stay relevant
y What are your future goals? and impactful.
y What do you do to find balance?
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Morar Incorporated,
The women featured in this collection come from diverse DRG, BusinessFit, and Radisson Blu Durban Umhlanga
backgrounds and have pursued a variety of career for their invaluable support. We are also deeply
paths. However, they share a common drive shaped by grateful to each of the women featured, who
life experiences, cultural influences, and professional generously shared their stories and insights. Without
aspirations. Together, their journeys demonstrate the their willingness to open up, this publication would
transformative power of dedication, leadership, and the not have been possible.
desire to uplift others. What stands out is the resilience,
We hope that being part of the KZN Top Business
commitment to community, and passion for creating
Women 2024 will elevate these women to new heights,
lasting change that define their stories.
and we believe that their stories have the power to
A powerful theme among these women is the determin- inspire other women to be bold, pursue their dreams,
ation to break barriers and challenge the status quo. Many and embark on their own journeys with confidence.
Gayle ADLAM | 3