Page 65 - KZN Top Business Women 2024
P. 65

Once you have done your due diligence, believe in yourself.

                            Do not consent to limiting views or self-entitlement attitudes

                                       and give your chosen goal your full commitment.

                                                          “Everything I have learned and experienced, the good  that ensure environmental, wildlife, and animal care,
          Founder and Managing Director,                  and the bad, the challenges and victories as well as  such as SANCCOB, CROW, and the SPCA,” Hantie ex-
          Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions
                                                          my relationship with God have all played a role in  plained. She also mentioned the company’s community
                                                          bringing me to where I am today,” Hantie reflected. She  contributions, including an e-waste initiative with Hirsch’s
              antie Plomp, the founder and managing director
              of Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions, established her   emphasised the importance of continuous learning, hard  stores.
         Hcompany in October 2011. She explained, “We     work, and building a strong team and relationships with   Hantie recalled how environmental management was once
          specialise in solving environmental challenges and assisting   stakeholders. “It really takes communities and consistent   seen as “bunny hugging” and misunderstood. Although
          businesses and communities to improve environmental   attention to your current situation and desired position   progress has been made, there remains friction between
          performance in a sustainable way.” Hantie detailed further:   throughout one’s lifetime to take you to where you are   business needs and environmental protection. “The only
          “When faced with a client’s challenge or objective to   today and wish to be tomorrow.”          way is to find integrated, project-specific solutions that
          improve their environmental performance, we strive to find   Innovative Solutions                are  time  and  cost-sensitive  while  ensuring  long-term
          a balanced solution between the social, economic, and                                            sustainability,” she asserted.
          environmental aspects of the project or business.” Hantie  “I strongly believe that my love for people and entre-
          added that the company’s services relate to water, waste, air  preneurship developed due to my parents’ diligent and   From a business perspective, the last six years have been
          quality, biodiversity management, sustainability reporting,  ethical approach to life and my early childhood exposure to   challenging, with company structure changes, Covid-19,
          and management systems, as well as compliance matters.  entrepreneurship,” Hantie shared. She said she sees today’s   riots, and labour turnover. “We overcame the challenges
                                                          environmental challenges as an opportunity for innovative   with  tenacity,  a  positive  outlook,  and  a solutions-based
          Hantie shared, “I grew up in a small mining community in   solutions and remains deeply passionate about her work.  approach,” she said, adding that the company became
          North West. I was in a boarding school in Potchefstroom                                          100% women-owned and opened a new office in
          for high school and went on to the University of Pretoria,  “My responsibility is to ensure the development of strategy,  Pietermaritzburg during this time. “All things are possible
          where I completed a degree in human physiology and  establishment and maintenance of a competent team, and  with God, who gives wisdom and strength.”
          microbiology.” Reflecting on her early work experience,  the implementation of all processes and systems,” Hantie
          she said, “During the holidays, I worked at the local mine’s  explained. She highlighted the importance of creating a   Hantie offered this advice to young women: “Once you
                                                                                                           have done your due diligence, believe in yourself. Do not
          chemical laboratory, where analyses on water, gold, and  company culture based on quality, respect, and excellence.   consent  to  limiting  views  or  self-entitlement  attitudes
          uranium were conducted. On completion of my degree, I  “We measure our impact on the feedback we receive, such as   and give your chosen goal your full commitment.”
          worked at the laboratory and obtained a National Diploma  ‘Triplo4 has an aptitude for problem-solving and innovative   She encouraged young women not to give up when
          in Analytical Chemistry.”                       solutions’ and ‘Amazing service - You were awesome’.”
                                                                                                           challenges arise, adding, “A positive mindset, a tenacious
          However, Hantie soon discovered that routine work was not  Hantie takes pride in the company’s commitment to  belief that you can do it, and persistent efforts supported
          her calling. “I was really grateful when I was transferred to  empowerment and transformation. Triplo4 is 100%   with good knowledge, judgement, and ethics should
          the mine’s environmental department. Within two weeks, I  women-owned, with 53% black and youth shareholding,   result in good outcomes.”
          realised that I had found my passion and calling in life,” she  and is certified as a Level 1 B-BBEE company. Over   “I am still living my dream, which is still unfolding,” Hantie
          recalled. Her passion led her to complete a master’s degree  the years, the company has employed more than 36   shared. Her long-term goals include expanding Triplo4’s
          while working, and after more than 30 years in the field, she  interns, primarily women, preparing them for careers in   footprint nationally and internationally, establishing seven
          still loves her work.                           environmental management. “We have also been ISO   national offices, and eventually listing the company on the
                                                          14001 and 9001 certified for environmental management
          “As a child, I was loved and cared for, and I had a few   and quality for over seven years,” she added. In terms of   JSE. “All successful large businesses started with an idea that
          daydreams,” Hantie reminisced. “I dreamt of staying by the   awards, Hantie mentioned winning the National Business   was cultivated and nurtured to greatness,” she noted.
          sea, and I was born with a caring nature. I also wanted my   Awards – Entrepreneur of the Year award in 2019 and the  Hantie values her time with her husband, with whom she
          own business someday.” She explained how these dreams   2021  Standard  Bank  Top  Women  Award  for  biodiversity,  has shared a 37-year marriage. “We talk daily about anything
          came together. “Triplo4 is the realisation of my love for the   conservation, and environmental management.  and everything. He makes me laugh and appreciates how
          North Coast of KwaZulu-Natal, my love for environmental                                          blessed we are,” she said. She also enjoys building puzzles,
          management and sustainability, and my care for the  Triplo4’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond   reading on natural healing and leadership and growing her
          environment, business, and people.”             the company’s operations. “We financially support NGOs    relationship with the Lord.

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