Page 18 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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social services sectors accounts for close to 70% of
the provincial GDP.
Transport, Storage and Communication
To meet the growing demands of a competitive global
world, recent flagship projects in the Province include the
King Shaka International Airport and Dube TradePort,
which have been constructed north of the city. Dube
TradePort takes advantage of its prime location as the
only facility in Africa combining an international airport,
dedicated cargo terminal, warehousing, offices, retail,
and agriculture hub. Together with the fast-growing
King Shaka International Airport, intermodal road,
rail and sea infrastructure is seamlessly integrated.
These are critical enablers for business efficiency
and effectiveness.
Special Economic Zones (SEZ) are one of the Govern-
ment’s strategic instruments implemented to drive an
inclusive economic growth, deepen industrialisation
and industrial rebalancing. The SEZ designation of
the Dube TradePort and the Richards Bay Industrial
Development Zone (RBIDZ) demonstrates an effort
by the Government to enhance the competitiveness
of the manufacturing sector and encourage the
has grown to meet the demand of these markets. A
current provincial strategy focuses on ensuring that beneficiation of available resources in the country, by
world class events are attracted to KwaZulu-Natal, offering a range of benefits for enterprises located
which reinforces our passion for sport, art and culture. within the designated zone.
A few examples of enterprises operating in the
In line with the above, the province hosts several
international events that bring people from around Dube Tradeport SEZ, are Eureka Capital who are
the world. These events include the Dusi Canoe Race, leaseholders in Dube City, and in Dube TradeZone;
the Comrades Marathon and the Midmar Mile and the Samsung Electronics SA, who have set up a monitor
Vodacom Durban July horse racing extravaganza. and television manufacturing facility; Amsted
Reelin, who are refurbishing train bearings; Yangtze
Durban’s central beachfront upgrade has transformed Optics Africa, a fibre optic cable and accessory
Durban’s renowned beachfront into a feature of which manufacturer; and the South African brand
the city can be justly proud. The promenade (which Retractaline, who manufacture laundry products and
is currently being extended) provides kilometres of accessories.
uninterrupted sea views, restaurants and other amenities
to the benefit of all. The Moses Mabhida Stadium is The RBIDZ provides the province with an ideal platform
undeniably an iconic landmark on Durban’s skyline. to maximise opportunities related to the ocean
economy, manufacturing, beneficiation, as well as new
Durban’s showcase International Convention Centre and innovative oil and gas energy options.
(Durban ICC) is one of eThekwini’s most successful Rapid Public Transport System
economic catalysts. The ICC, Arena and adjacent
Durban Exhibition Centre form the Inkosi Albert Currently an integrated rapid public transport
Luthuli International Convention Complex, which system is under construction in the Durban and
is the core of the region’s burgeoning business Pinetown areas. The project involves road and rail
tourism industry. to provide for better public transport. The goal
of GO!Durban is to have a positive effect on the
Tertiary Sector
economic structure of Durban in order to improve
The tertiary sector namely retail trade; transport/ tourism, provide additional job opportunities and
logistics; finance/business services and community/ maintain sustainable development.