Page 67 - KZN Top Business Portfolio 2018
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space for businesses in this sector so that traders can for this programme of R40-million (2017/2018) and
move up from street trading. R42.36-million (2018/2019).
Neighbourhood Development and Partnership Grant Other projects which fall under the NDPG:
(NDPG) Civic building
The NDPG is driven by the notion that public Informal trading stalls; piazza
investment and funding can be used creatively Mount Partridge
to attract private and community investment to Thwala Road public realm
unlock the social and economic potential within the
targeted neglected townships and neighbourhoods. Promenade 1
National Treasury has made successive allocations Promenade 2
Municipal Demarcation Board Code: KZN225 Portfolio Chairperson Sustainable Development and
Location of Head Office: Pietermaritzburg is 77km City Enterprises: Cllr Eunice Majola
northwest of Durban (N3) City Manager: Mr Sizwe Hadebe
Municipal Area (km²): 649 km² General Manager Sustainable
Population (Estimated): ± 620 000 Development and City Enterprises (Acting):
Mr R Gounden
VISION Senior Manager (Acting): Ms Nombuso Hlophe
A safe, vibrant city in which to live, work, play, and
do business. CONTACT DETAILS
Contact Office: Business Retention and Expansion:
MISSION Mr Mduduzi Mngwengwe / Ms Mandisa Msimang
To ensure that the municipality functions effectively Tel: +27 (0)33 392 2570 / 3757
and in a sustainable manner in order to deliver service
excellence to the community. E-mail:
Mayor: Cllr Themba Njilo