Page 16 - KZN Business Sense 7.2 - eBook
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                      David White, CEO,   situation facing each of us, noting   need to be become the archives   The DRG Sustainability Report   foundation, and impacts positively
                       DRG Outsourcing  well that innovation without a   we refer to as being experiences   for SMEs looks at thirty-four key   on shareholder desires and
                                      firm foundation of governance,   that lead us onto better and   focus areas to guide entrepreneurs   expectations”.
                                      ethics and best practice in business  more effective ways of doing   and business leaders to what
                             ill Gates                                                            is required in ensuring best   This is followed by focus group
                             says it   is likely to not be successful and   business. As Professor Mervyn   efforts are followed to eliminate   communications within the
                       Bstraight,     sustainable.                  King eloquently shares...“Profit                           enterprise, discussing the business,
                       “It is an all-out   Business Leaders’ Role   focus is out, and value creation   ineffective practices and activities   what makes it successful, what can
                      world war, but                                is in”.  Leading a business going   within an enterprise. King IV   be improved, etc. Actions points
                                                                                                  ethic and governance principles
                     it is us against   Hence, the drive of nations to   forward is about value creation   help to guide high level outcome   are grouped into stakeholder
                       greenhouse     help business leaders recognise   for society. A business leader’s                       measurements… where their
                        gasses.” Much   their role in the combined effort   salt will thus be measured   expectations, and the DRG   impact on ongoing sustainability is
                                                                                                  Sustainability Report methodology
                        great work    and progress towards a clean   through their enterprise’s ability   helps to define the activities   considered and shared with other
                        has already   earth, and to maintain a focus   to add value to society, and   and mindsets needed to achieve   focus groups/departments within
                        been done by   on the impact their enterprises   to contribute positively to the                       the enterprise.
                        entrepreneurs,   are having on the economy,   economy, environment, and   the King Commission’s desired
                                                                                                  outcome of sustainable enterprises
                         engineers,   environment, and society. This   social challenges.         that meet organisational goals and   The sustainability report
                         and scientists   drive in educating business leaders   Enterprises need to recognise   stakeholder expectations.   follows from the focus group
        to help discover and invent ways   and guiding enterprise decision   that their first priority is in                   summaries and collates into a
        we can maintain our current   making towards ensuring value   realising their role in creating   The thirty-four key focus   three-to-five-year plan, where
        standards of living – and reduce   outcomes that support and benefit   value for stakeholders, and not   areas are common within every   specific areas of the business are
        our carbon footprints. However,   all stakeholders culminates in an   be singularly focused on returns  enterprise and can be grouped   measured and monitored. It is
        we still have much work to do to   enterprise sustainability report.  to shareholders and elite role   into four categories, which   essential that there is a common
        ensure that future generations   Larger enterprises have been   players within the enterprise.   include Leadership, Business   thread following from the CEO
        have access to the same raw   doing sustainability reports   It is the mind shift of purpose   Foundation, Measurements   statement to the focus groups,
        materials and living conditions   for many years... and in many   within an enterprise that   and Energy. The four categories   and into the sustainability report.
        most people enjoy today. There   countries’ enterprises listed on   requires alignment to higher   inform sustainability objectives,   As it is not possible for anyone to
        is, of course, much work to   stock exchanges are required to   ‘communal’ goals and ideals,   activities, and measures within   accurately predict the future, the
        do in countries, societies, and   submit sustainability reports. Each  and once this is established and   economic, environmental, and   sustainability report needs to be
        communities to raise standards   enterprise has its own uniqueness,   becomes a norm within society,   social impacts. It is critical that   flexible enough to be adapted to
        of living, improve equity and   and so sustainability reports do   the balanced focus required to   enterprises consider a common set   new conditions and circumstances,
        raise hope and opportunity – and   vary greatly from enterprise to   tackle climate change and the   of focus areas when approaching   yet stable enough to provide a
        these aspects are at the heart of   enterprise, industry to industry,   effect of carbon dioxide (CO2)   sustainability intentions but   framework for everyone affected
        sustainability ambitions.     and nation to nation.         emission will gain clarity and   are also aware enough to be   by the enterprise to understand
                                                                    momentum.                     sensitive to unique conditions and   its intentions, direction, and its
          We stand today, uncertain of   DRG has been a thought leader                            circumstances which occur across   critical measurements defining
        our futures, and unsure of exactly   in developing a methodology   Sustainability Goals and   industries and sizes of enterprises.  success and sustainability. 
        how we will beat the climate   to help Small and Medium-    Objectives
        change challenge facing each and   Sized Enterprises (SMEs)
        every person, animal, creature   create sustainability reports   With so many businesses   Three-step Process          For more information contact:
        and living organism on our    that inform enterprise decision   failing during their set up stage,   A sustainability report requires   T: +27 31 767 0625
        planet earth. Moving to Mars to   making and ensure that    and unemployment rising in an   a three-step process starting   E:
        begin a new civilization is not the   enterprise measurements include   unprecedented manner, effort   with an overarching statement   W:
        ‘simple’ solution we should focus   all stakeholders’ hopes and   needs to be focused on guiding   from the CEO or board of the
        on... The solution needs to come   expectations – and not just profit   criteria to assist entrepreneurs   enterprise. This needs to be explicit
        through our appreciation of the   as per business models of many   and business leaders ensure   and provide a broad framework
        responsibility each person must   enterprises of the past.  their enterprises are best placed   for decision making within
        have in ensuring the sustainability                         to anticipate and predict their   the enterprise. An example of
        of our earth and all who live in it.    Innovation is the key to our   enterprise’s sustainability.   a CEO statement may include:
                                      clean earth focus, but without   Artificial intelligence is being   “It is our will and intention to
          Sustainability is about ensuring   a sustainability intention, and a   developed at an incredibly fast   ensure our enterprise supports
        we leave a clean and unaffected   solid business foundation there is  pace, and this too needs to   sustainability principles,   SCAN
        earth for future generations. It   little hope that even the greatest   be cognisant of sustainability   provides value to society as a   QR CODE
        is about innovation, and it is   interventions will stand the test   goals and objectives. A single   whole in creating equity and
        about our economy, environment   of time and grow into products   mindedness is required, and   transformational opportunities,   TO SEE
        and ensuring a positive social   and services to serve the needs   a focus on creating a clean   meets environmental targets and   VIDEO
        influence. Nothing can be     and desires of the many people   earth, that removes elements   ensures a move towards zero CO2
        established without a clear   in the world. Many of the old   contributing towards climate   emissions and waste, ensures a   (Open the camera on your phone and
        understanding of the nature of   management paradigms that   change, and encouraging equity   strong foundation of ethics and   hover steadily for 2-3 seconds over the
        the current drastic climate change   served previous generations now   and social inclusiveness.    governance as the enterprise’s   QR Code to see the video.)

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