Page 13 - Yearbook 2019
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The Royal Parks Limited “TRP” is a registered charity that manages the Royal Parks, which comprise the eight major parks in London, from the expansive green stretches of Hyde Park to the neatly-trimmed gardens of St James’s Park. For over a decade DJB has helped to conserve and enhance the 5,000 acres of parkland for the enjoyment of current and future generations, assisting on major projects including the 2012 Olympics.
In 2019 DJB worked with TRP to develop a new and updated Event Contract to enable the running of multiple major events in London’s Royal Parks for many years to come. These events are key to TRP’s  nancial operation and to the provision of nationally recognised events in London for citizens and tourists alike.
Equipped with specialist knowledge of TRP’s legal framework, DJB worked with TRP to develop a tailored contract for
its use. The drafting of this contract was undertaken by Partner and Lead Lawyer to TRP, Robin de Wreede. Bringing over 7 years of experience of advising TRP to this deal, Robin’s combined knowledge of the legal framework, commercial requirements and public interest was indispensable to the drafting and negotiations.
We are delighted with the outcomes achieved, which include contracts awarded for the running of: Winter Wonderland, BBC Proms in the Park, Radio 2 Festival in a Day and The Cricket World Cup Opening Ceremony. All events were delivered seamlessly, safeguarded by the contractual framework DJB helped create.
We are excited to continue developing our relationship with The Royal Parks going forward, both as lawyers and spectators of their renowned events.

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