Page 47 - Yearbook 2019
P. 47

For the last 5 years DJB has undertaken to establish whether it is possible to introduce those who have become homeless back into the workplace. Our Fresh Start initiative has proven that it is both possible and highly rewarding. Our tried and tested structure works on the strengths and skills of the individuals and looks to develop, enhance and then celebrate these abilities in order to achieve success.
Our focus is on sharing this principle and the structure we’ve devised with other organisations. We encourage them to partner with a local homeless charity to provide people in their community with a ‘fresh start’ which is hopefully highly effective.
Registered to ISO14000, the recognised environmental management standard, we work hard to minimise any negative impacts that the  rm’s activities may have on the environment.
Fresh St‘art is a simple, low impact approach that gives anyone who wants to engage the opportunity to achieve their own success, at their own pace and within their own perception of what success means.
Justin Roxburgh
CEO at Arc Homeless Association

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