Page 41 - Yearbook 2020
P. 41

with Madeleine Davitt
Q: In a few words, what is the CCS WPS Framework?
A: In short, the CCS is the largest public procurement organisation in the UK. They introduced the WPS Framework to support the wider public sector in procuring legal services at maximum commercial value in a simple and compliant way.
Q: How does the framework bene t clients?
A: I talk to my clients about the WPS as a toolbox. For me, the three most valuable tools in this box are effortless procurement, cost-effectiveness and consistent, high-quality legal advice.
1. Effortless Procurement
I understand that my public sector clients must act fairly and comply with
procurement rules. However,
particularly in times of
uncertainty, they also need to access advice quickly and cost- effectively.
All the approved  rms on the
framework have been rigorously
vetted and scrutinised by the
CCS. We were asked to tender
for our position which included
being questioned on how we
monitor and improve customer
satisfaction, our resources and
expertise, how we manage
timescales and costs and more. Every box has been ticked for them.
2. Cost-Effectiveness
All clients have access to the rates of all the  rms on the framework and I have personally ensured our rates meet their expectations and the CCS’s in terms of cost-effectiveness. At DJB, we understand what best value means for the public sector, as do the CCS, so we are con dent that instructing via the framework delivers that.
3. High-Quality Legal Advice
The public and third sector pays a crucial role in dealing with some of the biggest challenges in both the UK and the world. It is vital that my public sector clients get the highest standard of
advice so that they can achieve their strategic objectives and navigate some complex and unique problems along the way. It has always been a concern of mine that the leading private sector organisations could afford the top lawyers whilst the public and third sectors could not. The WPS framework ensures that my public sector clients have access to excellent lawyers at the competitive rates they can afford.
Q: In your opinion, why is the framework so effective?
A: To answer this, we need to turn back the clock over 20 years to when I founded the  rm with my colleagues from the Government Property Lawyers (GPL).
At the GPL we advised on all central government properties nationally and so after it disbanded our clients were left asking, who will do this work? We recognised at this time that these clients needed a place to turn to for legal advice. We very quickly built an extensive client base comprising central and local government, as well as charitable organisations, and this was the start of DJB’s long history of working with the public sector. It was also the start of our long-standing relationship with the CCS, who shared our ambition to service
the public sector.
To my mind, the WPS combines CCS’s unrivalled understanding of the public sector’s procurement needs and a palpable desire to provide these organisations with access to the advice they need, when they need it. That’s what makes it so effective and it’s also why we love working with them.
Q: So, how does it work?
A: The WPS Framework opens the door for the wider public sector to the advice they need. At DJB, we personally take our clients through the steps of using the agreement and work with them to develop a strategy for solving their property- related issues.

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