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         PRODUCT NAME                          TECHNICAL DATA                                                                  I
         Hydro Seal 300™ (Waterbased)          Color/Form:  milky white                                                        N
                                               liquid.  Solid  Contents:                                                       S
         MANUFACTURER                          18% by volume.                                                                  T
         American Building Restoration         Coverage: approx. 100-200 sq ft. per                                            A
         Products, Inc.                        gallon  depending  on  density  or                                              L
         9720 South 60th Street                porosity of the surface.                                                        L
         Franklin, WI 53132                    VOC  Content  Limit:  less  than  250                                           A
         U.S.A.                                grams per liter.                                                                T
         (414) 421-4125                        Storage:  protect from freezing.                                                I
         1-800-346-7532 (Orders Only)          Packaging:  one,  five  and  fifty-five                                         O
         Fax (414) 421-8696                    gallon containers.                                                              N
                                               INSTALLATION                                                                    A
         PRODUCT DESCRIPTION                   Preparatory  Work:  a  test  area                                               P
         The Hydro Seal™ formulas represent    should  be performed on all elevations                                          P
         research  and  service  in  protecting   prior to beginning  overall  project  to                                     L
         buildings  since  1970.  Hydro  Seal   determine   precise   procedures                                               I
         300™  is  a  versatile,  waterborne   necessary  for  proper  sealing  and  to                                        C
         emulsion,  water  repellent  and  stain   ensure compatibility with the surface.                                      A
         protector.  Hydro  Seal  300™  offers   User  shall  determine  the  suitability                                      T
         fast and effective protection against   of  the product  for  its  intended  use                                      I
         U.V.  damage  and  stains.  Hydro  Seal  and  assume  all  risk  and  liability                                       O
         300™  protects  a  wide  variety  of  whatsoever  in  connection therewith.                                           N
         surfaces  including  masonry,  stucco,  Surface should be clean and free from
         brick  pavers,  concrete,  aluminum,  dust,  dirt,  oil,  grease  and  any                                            A
         marble, fabric and asphalt roofs.     previous  water  repellent  coating.                                            V
                                               Remove all loose mortar and repair all                                          A
         Masonry: Helps prevent spalling and   cracks over 1/16”.                                                              I
         efflorescence   by   waterproofing    Masonry  repairs  such  as  tuck-                                               L
         masonry, brick, block and stone.      pointing  should  be  made  prior  to                                           A
         Concrete:  Protects  concrete  by     application and allowed to cure for 14                                          B
         sealing and waterproofing the surface,   days.                                                                        I
         preventing  spalling  and  protecting                                                                                 L
         against  de-icing  salts,  mildew  and   APPLICATION                                                                  I
         stains.                               1.  Mix well before using.                                                      T
         Fabric:   Waterproofs,   preventing   2. Apply with a brush, staining pad,                                            Y
         moisture  damage;  extending  the  life   or  low pressure  airless  sprayer.  (45
         of awnings, tarps and tents.          P.S.I.  is sufficient pressure to spray.)                                       L
         Limitations: Hydro Seal 300™ dries    3.  Saturate  well  on  horizontal                                              I
         clear  with  some  noticeable  color   surfaces,  after  15  minutes  remove                                          M
         enhancement  to  the  surface.  Test  for   excess   Hydro   Seal  300™  by                                           I
         color compatibility before applying.   redistributing  to  a  dry  area.  Always                                      T
         Caution:  Both  air  and  surface     back brush if over saturation occurs.                                           E
         temperature  for  the  application  of   4.Hydro Seal 300™ should be applied                                          D
         Hydro  Seal  300™ must be 45°F and    to saturation with an average 12 inch                                           W
         rising.                               rundown  on  vertical  surfaces.  On                                            A
         Protect  all  adjacent  surfaces.  When   porous surfaces, apply two wet on wet                                       R
         spraying  near  vegetation,  cover  to   coats. On dense or polished  surfaces,                                       R
         protect  from overspray.  Avoid  spray   apply a single, saturating coat.                                             A
         drift  onto  pedestrians  and  vehicle   Dry  Time:  allow  sufficient  time  for                                     N
         traffic.                              the  first  coat  to  penetrate  before                                         T
                                               applying second coat.                                                           Y
                                               Cure time: 24 hours.
                                               Clean Up: Use soapy water.
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