Page 41 - Digital Binder_Neat
P. 41
800-425-2214 I FILE UNDER DIVISION 4
TravFill 4. INSTALLATION Temperature dependency:
Surface Preparation & Use: Temperature will affect the
2.MANUFACTURER Use gloves, wear eye working properties of the TravFill
Bonstone Materials Corporation protection, and avoid skin material. Minimum temperatures
contact. When grinding cured are above 5OF.
materials, wear a dust mask.
Mix only the amount of material Coverage: The coverage of
which can be used in 15 the TravFill depends on the
minutes. Clean uncured size of holes and overfill on tile.
TravFill from tools with hot,
soapy water. Remove cured 5. AVAILABILITY Packaging
material mechanically. and storage:
3. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Recommend testing an area of BONSTONE® TravFill
A two-component, lime-based, the floor before applying sections Its packaged in 7 pound kits
latex modified filler material . ( 5 lbs part A powder and 2
for travertine floors, smooth Mixing instructions: lbs latex binder part B)
surface fills of natural stone, All materials should be at or Shelf life is approximately one
fabrication of stone slabs. Also above 55°F. Priming: For best year if kept in unopened cans in
for restoration of other porous adhesion, do not apply product a dry area at 75°F.
stones like limestone, sandstone to dry surfaces- light
and marble. Interior and exterior misting is appropriate. MIX 6. WARRANTY
use PART B WELL BEFORE This warranty is limited to
Basic Uses: Replacement of defective material
• Filling voids and pits USING. Combine the two and freight charges to
in travertine and marble destination only. Bonstone
• Skim coating vertical stone liquid until a slurry or knife Materials Corp. is not
• Designed for marble Determine the powder to liquid responsible for consequential
aesthetic repairs propo1iion that works and damages.
• Creates a travertine like handles the best for you
honed finish particular application. Use 7. MAINTENANCE
• Easy to mix and apply to iron oxide powdered tints for Designed for application in areas
your surface custom matching. Use a inaccessible to maintenance
• Designed as a slurry or straight edge trowel to spread procedures.
knife grade application out the material while leaving a 8. TECHNICAL SERVICE
• Slight over fill technique 1/32 to 1/64 inch over-fill on tile. • specifications for
for floor machining Use floor machines to remove various applications
Limitations: large floor sections. For honed • specification writing dept.
Use on oil, grease, and coating surfaces mechanically re using for unique application
free substrates. sand paper.