Page 9 - Digital Binder_Neat
P. 9
707 Swan Drroe
Mukwcmago, WT 53149
tel 262-363-9877 fax 262-363-9879
Anchor Epoxy TM
Product Description
A two-component exterior grade epoxy adhesive. Six hour initial cure. Flowing paste viscosity.
(Family includes A-100, A-110, A-120, A-130, A-180, & A-190)
Mixed Properties Values Anchor"' epoxy sets
up in 6-8 hrs @ 70 F.
Mix ratio 1 parts Anchor family to
1 part B-412X by weight Tern Set times
Below 55 F, Anchor
Mixed viscosity at 75 F Creamy paste epoxy will not cure
Pot life at 75 F 35 minutes ss F - 65 F 24 hrs
65 F - 75 F 6-8 hrs
Cured Properties 75 F - 85 F 4-6 hrs
90 F - 100 F 2-3 hr
Initial set time at 75 F 6 hours
Full cure time at 75 F within 24 hours Available colors
Test Methods • Texas Cream (A-100)
Strengths ·Yellow (A-110)
Tensile 2464 psi ASTM D-638 • Buff (A-120)
Compressive 61,000 psi ASTM D-695 • Gray (A-130)
Flexural 5,168 psi ASTM D-790 ·Mahogany/
Red-Brown (A-180)
Modulus ·White (A-190)
Tensile 74,000 psi ASTM D-638
Compressive 67,000 psi ASTM D-695
Flexural 541,000 psi ASTM D-790
Tensile: elongation at break 3.8% ASTM D-638
Shore D hardness 91 ASTM D-1706
Heat distortion temperature 120 F ASTM D-648
Water absorption 0.04% ASTM D-570
TM:, infomwfion � fum�lit'd wir/Jout warranty, �pr,smfafio11, i11ducemeut, or Iice,1sr. of ,my ki11d. exce11t tlrat it is occuraJ1• to rl,r. best ef Bc,rstoue Mafrrinls Cor1ioratio11's
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1f tl1f ptodud, procm, or i11fer111ation[)ed lrerei11 Is :.uirablt> to tlit lutmdt>d application. Before using a11y chm1ial.l, m,d its laM an,1 Material Stlfrty Data Shetl,