Page 2 - PennState Health myretirement
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You can create the unique web experience you want by adding additional financial
details, such as your outside assets, liabilities, spending and more. Doing this gives
you a 360-degree view of your personal finances — right in one place.
With this expanded view of your financial picture, you can:
• Manage your debt – Link loan and mortgage accounts if you own a home to track
how you are paying down your liabilities.
• Save for emergencies – Link your checking and savings accounts to help see if you
have enough extra to be prepared for the unexpected.
When you begin to reduce your debt and grow your emergency fund, you’ll also notice
the effect those actions have on your net worth. Lowering debt reduces your liabilities,
which increases your net worth. Creating an emergency fund increases your assets,
which also raises your net worth.
You can begin exploring your web
resources on your own or choose
to take a few minutes to watch a
video for an overview of the new
tools you have available.