P. 5

•  I’d  be  happy  to  assist  you  with  your  homework. (Aku  senang  jika  aku  bisa
               membimbingmu dalam mengerjaann pekerjaan rumahmu.)
            •  What can I do for you? (Apa yang bisa aku lakukan untukmu?)
            •  I’d like to know what help can I be to you. (Aku ingin tahu bantuan apa yang bisa
               aku berikan kepadamu.)
            •  I am happy to be of service. (Aku senang dalam pelayanan.)

            •  How can I help you? (Bagaimana cara aku bisa membantumu?)
            •  Do you want me to help you? (Apakah kamu mau aku membantumu?)
            •  Can I get you some paper? (Bisakah aku membantumu mendapatkan kertas?)
            •  What  if  I  help  you  doing  the  homework? (Bagaimana  jika  aku  membantumu
               mengerjakan PR?)
            •  Have some snacks? (Mau camilan?)
            •  Drink? (Mau minum?)

            •  I’ll buy an umbrella if you like. (Aku akan membeli payung jika kamu mau.)
        Baca Juga : Expression of Greeting, Leave-Taking, Gratitude, and Apology
        Contoh Percakapan Offering Help
        Ghania: Wow, this soup is so spicy.
        Aisyah: Should I bring a glass of water for you?
        Ghania: No, thank you. I still have something to drink.

        Aisyah: Alright, then.
        Merespon Ungkapan Offering Help
               Making Offers                     Accepting                      Declining
         Can I help you?                Yes,  please.  I  really  It’s  okay,  I  can  do  it
                                        appreciate it                   myself
         Shall I bring you some  Thank  you,  it  is  very  No, thank you.

         tea?                           kind of you
         Would you like another  Yes, please, that would  No, thank. I don't want
         helping of cake?               be lovely.                      another helping.
         How  about  I help  you  Yes, please, that would  Don't worry, I will do it
         with this?                     be very kind of you.            myself.

        D.  Exercise

            Answer the following questions based on the link
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