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About The Editor

                         Meet Paul (Pablo) Snow.  Magazine editor,
                         British Army veteran, campaigner, musician,
                         snooker player, rugby lover and BTCC nut.
                         Pablo met Matt Neal after being introduced
                         through a mutual friend and very quickly
                         asked the three times BTCC champion to
                         become patron and ambassador to the
                         Sandbag Times Veterans Magazine.  Of
                         course, Matt being a supporter of veterans
                         and having friends who have served,
                         accepted.   Pablo was born and raised in the  hostile territories.  This was a skill in which
                         New Forest, spending much of his youth
                                                                   many authorities and specialists would seek
                         racing motocross and surfing along the South
                                                                   out his advice and expertise.  In 2005, he left
                         Coast.  He joined the army when he was 17,  the Armed Forces but not before competing in
                         seeing service in Northern Ireland, Bosnia,
                                                                   Roadmaster, the Armed Forces and
                         Kenya, Berlin, Falkland Islands to name just a
                                                                   Emergency Services driving championship.
                         few of his postings.  Pablo had a passion to  Paul and his navigator came sixth overall
                         fly helicopters but despite being mentally and  being beaten only by professional rally teams.
                         physically fit enough, a defect in his spine
                                                                   After leaving the Army, he descended into
                         stopped his dream coming true.  This is when
                                                                   PTSD.  But after successful treatment, he
                         he turned his abilities to driving.  By the end  decided to help other veterans.  That has
                         of 1988, just five years after joining, he had  included writing the Rock Opera ‘A Song for a
                         achieved advanced and instructor licences in
                                                                   Hero’, developing the Sandbag Times
                         car, lgv and pcv categories.   He then turned  Veterans Magazine and SBT Media Company
                         his attention to more advanced skills     and then the Tommy Atkins Veterans Centre.
                         developing cross country techniques, road
                                                                   His close work and friendships with Team
                         safety training skills and then towards anti-
                                                                   Dynamics and his love of BTCC has inspired
                         terrorist and evasive driving skills. He  him to write this magazine to pay tribute to the
                         specialised in teaching advanced manoeuvres  BTCC team he loves and the driver who has
                         in Northern Ireland ensuring civilianised
                                                                   inspired him and has followed for many years.
                         military vehicles stayed safe in some very
                                                                   We hope you enjoy his magazine.

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