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The Buckingham Palace of Motor Racing
h, who doesn’t like visiting Silverstone? Matt Neal on Silverstone 2018
It almost feels regal. So much of our
Amotor racing history has been written “It has been a positive end to a weekend that
on this Mecca for motorsport. could have delivered a lot more.
Unfortunately, the incident in race one set the
The BTCC runs on the shorter circuit to the scene for the remainder of the day and the
Formula 1 which is actually more suitable for fact it was entirely out of our control just
spectators. Plenty of stands to catch the makes it all the more frustrating. Nonetheless,
action plus lots of banks to park the botty on we worked hard as a team to get the car
with one’s picnic. It truly is a great circuit. In ready for race two and it’s satisfying to race
fact, it was here that I blooded myself on the back into the points from the back of the grid.
British Touring Car Championship. We carried that momentum into race three as
myself and Dan worked our way through the
The track is fast, exciting and a great circuit traffic. If there were a few more laps available
for Honda. Memories of the 2017 season I am confident we would have taken at least
where Matt took his Honda Civic Type R from three more places. On a positive note, the
9th to 1st in one of the most epic races I have Civic Type-R felt quick all weekend so I am
ever watched. already looking ahead to the final round at
Brands Hatch where the Halfords Yuasa
Last season was one of those ‘what if’s’ Racing team will look to end the season on a
especially for Matt. After a great 6th in high!”
qualifying, Matt’s weekend was scuttled after
being taken off in race 1, but here is where Dan Cammish on Silverstone 2018
you saw how quick the FK8 was, By the end
of race 2, he was 14th and at the end of race “It’s terrific to seal the Jack Sears Trophy in
3 he was 7th. If only he hadn’t been taken off my rookie BTCC season. The drivers that
in race 1, eh. have won the title in previous years have
gone on to achieve great things so I hope
Not the worst weekend in the world for Dan, this will be the first of many big BTCC
a mediocre qualie lead to a 10th, 15th and trophies with my name on! As for the event
8th which accumulated enough points for overall, it was a tough day at the office but
Dan to secure the Jack Sears Trophy. Job with plenty of positives to take away. I don’t
done and a great reward for a very hard think we did very much wrong this weekend
worked 1st season. but the small margins of the BTCC around a
circuit with only four corners worked against
So let’s hear what the boys had to say about us at the crucial moments. Nonetheless,
their last Silverstone weekend. when we get the Civic Type-R into its sweet
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