Page 15 - wammarch
P. 15

Bill  O’Halloran

                                                        t t third again)....F-A-C-E (major third, major hird again)....F-A-C-E (major third, major hird again)....F-A-C-E (major third, major
                                                        7).... t
                                                        7).... then G-B-D-F (the famous “dominant” 7, hen G-B-D-F (the famous “dominant” 7, hen G-B-D-F (the famous “dominant” 7,
                                                        7).... t
 Learn Ton Ton Ton Ton To
 Lear                                                   w w
                                                        which “naturally” occurs on the 5th/dominant hich “naturally” occurs on the 5th/dominant hich “naturally” occurs on the 5th/dominant
                                                        s s
                                                        step of the scale, and which “wants” to resolve tep of the scale, and which “wants” to resolve tep of the scale, and which “wants” to resolve
                                                        t t
                                                        to our first chord….. more on that later, but if o our first chord….. more on that later, but if o our first chord….. more on that later, but if
                                                        the B moves one fret up, and the F moves one he B moves one fret up, and the F moves one he B moves one fret up, and the F moves one
                                                        t t
 B B B B
 Breakreakreakreakreak                                  f f fret down, we’d be there!!)   Insert da-da-da ret down, we’d be there!!)   Insert da-da-da ret down, we’d be there!!)   Insert da-da-da
                                                        doh!!!! From Beethoven’s fifth to illustrate 5 to h!!!! From Beethoven’s fifth to illustrate 5 to h!!!! From Beethoven’s fifth to illustrate 5 to
                                                        1 resolution…. if you likeesolution…. if you likeesolution…. if you like
                                                        1 r
                                                        1 r
 The R
 The R
 The Rulesulesulesulesules
 The R                                                  6th step:  A-C-E-G (minor 3rd, minor 7)..... h step:  A-C-E-G (minor 3rd, minor 7)..... h step:  A-C-E-G (minor 3rd, minor 7).....
 The R
                                                        6t 6t
                                                        7th step : B-D-F-A (minor 3rd, minor 7th  h step : B-D-F-A (minor 3rd, minor 7th  h step : B-D-F-A (minor 3rd, minor 7th
                                                        7t 7t
                                                        AND the 5th is weirdly flat... we’ve invented he 5th is weirdly flat... we’ve invented he 5th is weirdly flat... we’ve invented
                                                        AND t
                                                        AND t
                                                        “diminished seventh”... often used in blues to diminished seventh”... often used in blues to diminished seventh”... often used in blues to
                                                        “ “
                                                        t t
                                                        turn back from the bridge to the verse…. or urn back from the bridge to the verse…. or urn back from the bridge to the verse…. or
                                                        in o
                                                        in o
                                                        in old movies when tying the heroine to the ld movies when tying the heroine to the ld movies when tying the heroine to the
                                                        railroad track). Amaze your friends at parties  ilroad track). Amaze your friends at parties  ilroad track). Amaze your friends at parties
                                                        ra ra
                                                        by pointing out that those notes are spread out y pointing out that those notes are spread out y pointing out that those notes are spread out
                                                        b b
                                                        such that there are only 2 of those chords.... if it uch that there are only 2 of those chords.... if it uch that there are only 2 of those chords.... if it
                                                        s s
                                                        sounds wrong, slide up(or down) one fretounds wrong, slide up(or down) one fretounds wrong, slide up(or down) one fret
                                                        s s
                                                        If this isn’t already too much like math class, f this isn’t already too much like math class, f this isn’t already too much like math class,
                                                        I I
                                                        here’s some more theory you can fool with:  all ere’s some more theory you can fool with:  all ere’s some more theory you can fool with:  all
                                                        h h
                                                        t t the white keys STARTING on D, played against he white keys STARTING on D, played against he white keys STARTING on D, played against
                                                        a D c
                                                        a D chord will get you what the jazz cats call hord will get you what the jazz cats call hord will get you what the jazz cats call
                                                        a D c
                                                        “Dorian mode”...... and same trick starting on Dorian mode”...... and same trick starting on Dorian mode”...... and same trick starting on
                                                        “ “
                                                        5th note (G) will get you” Mixolydian”..... if h note (G) will get you” Mixolydian”..... if h note (G) will get you” Mixolydian”..... if
                                                        5t 5t
                                                        your song contains a section that goes C-D-G, our song contains a section that goes C-D-G, our song contains a section that goes C-D-G,
                                                        y y
                                                        y y
                                                        you could improvise a solo that way!ou could improvise a solo that way!ou could improvise a solo that way!
                                                        More next time…. and remember…. you ore next time…. and remember…. you ore next time…. and remember…. you
                                                        M M
                                                        a a
                                                        absolutely COULD be struck by inspiration at bsolutely COULD be struck by inspiration at bsolutely COULD be struck by inspiration at
                                                        a p
                                                        a p
                                                        a party and defy ALL of this stuff…... but that arty and defy ALL of this stuff…... but that arty and defy ALL of this stuff…... but that
                                                        m m
                                                        may not be the way to bet.    My new album ay not be the way to bet.    My new album ay not be the way to bet.    My new album
                                                        w w
                                                        will be up on CDBaby very soon…. it ill be up on CDBaby very soon…. it ill be up on CDBaby very soon…. it
                                                        incorporates only a few tiny smidges of this corporates only a few tiny smidges of this corporates only a few tiny smidges of this
                                                        in in
                                                        t t
                                                        technical stuff, though the title cut has a little echnical stuff, though the title cut has a little echnical stuff, though the title cut has a little
                                                        t t
                                                        trick involving the “Suspended chord”... mostly, rick involving the “Suspended chord”... mostly, rick involving the “Suspended chord”... mostly,
                                                        we just got drunk and let it rip!   JUST LIKE e just got drunk and let it rip!   JUST LIKE e just got drunk and let it rip!   JUST LIKE
                                                        w w
                                                        THE PUNKS!!
                                                        THE PUNKS!!
                                                        THE PUNKS!!

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