Page 44 - wammarch
P. 44

Reaching Out

                I remember what you said, it’s always in my head, I was just a child reaching outemember what you said, it’s always in my head, I was just a child reaching out
                I r
           Time has took its toll, I feel I’ve lost control, I’m no longer that child, but still reaching outime has took its toll, I feel I’ve lost control, I’m no longer that child, but still reaching out

                  I’ve never understood, but glad you changed your mind and you’re in my life’ve never understood, but glad you changed your mind and you’re in my life
                     We can’t turn back the time, but it’s never too late to try and work it oute can’t turn back the time, but it’s never too late to try and work it out
               There’s nothing I wanted more, than to have you by my side, saying you can shineere’s nothing I wanted more, than to have you by my side, saying you can shine

           I r
           I remember what you said, you’re always in my head, I’ll always be that child reaching out.emember what you said, you’re always in my head, I’ll always be that child reaching out.

              I’ve never understood, but I’m glad you’ve changed your mind and you’re in my life’ve never understood, but I’m glad you’ve changed your mind and you’re in my life
                     We can’t turn back the time, but it’s never too late to try and work it oute can’t turn back the time, but it’s never too late to try and work it out
              There’s nothing I wanted more, than to have you by my side, saying you could shineere’s nothing I wanted more, than to have you by my side, saying you could shine

                                               To listen follow this linko listen follow this link
                                            To watch video follow this linko watch video follow this link

          Story Behind The Song:tory Behind The Song:         the chance to give his children all the things he chance to give his children all the things
                                                              he yearned for himself as a young boy. He e yearned for himself as a young boy. He
                                                              realized that all any chuild wants from his ealized that all any chuild wants from his
          Tinny’s father had a long term illness and inny’s father had a long term illness and   r
          knew it was only a matter of time before it new it was only a matter of time before it   parents is for them to be proud of them and arents is for them to be proud of them and
          finally took its toll on took its toll on him.
          fin                                                 to feel loved. This gave birth to the lyrics o feel loved. This gave birth to the lyrics
                                                              ‘ ‘There is nothing I wanted more, than to There is nothing I wanted more, than to
          Tinny reflected on his upbringing and inny reflected on his upbringing and
          T                                                   have you by my side, saying you can shine’.ave you by my side, saying you can shine’.
          struggle with the fact it wasn’t an easy truggle with the fact it wasn’t an easy
                                                              When his father finally passed, it gave hen his father finally passed, it gave
          childhood. His father found it difficult hildhood. His father found it difficult   W
                                                              Tinny some comfort knowing that he had inny some comfort knowing that he had
          to create the father and son relationship, o create the father and son relationship,   T
                                                              had the chance to build a friendship and ad the chance to build a friendship and
          which sometimes created a tense and hich sometimes created a tense and   h
          volotile environment. After many years of olotile environment. After many years of   that they created a lot of happy hat they created a lot of happy
          this, their relationship became much his, their relationship became much   memories and Tinny decided to write the emories and Tinny decided to write the
                                                              song ‘Reaching Out’ in his ‘Reaching Out’ in his memory.
          better and they became best of friends. etter and they became best of friends.   s
          Tinny learned to accept that his father had inny learned to accept that his father had
          issues which prevented him from being the  The Tinny Bennet Band:The Tinny Bennet Band:
          issues which prevented him from being the
          parent he wanted in his childhood and arent he wanted in his childhood and
          became a more understanding and ecame a more understanding and   Tinny Bennett - Vocals & guitarinny Bennett - Vocals & guitar
          accepting person because of it. Tinny had ting person because of it. Tinny had   N
                                                              Nigel Spaven - Bassigel Spaven - Bass
          s                                                   Rob Huckins - Drums/Percussionob Huckins - Drums/Percussion
          struggled with  alcohol amongst other truggled with  alcohol amongst other
          things during his early adulthood, but with hings during his early adulthood, but with
          t the new relationship and acceptance, he he new relationship and acceptance, he   W
                                                              With their hearlfelt lyric and melodic ith their hearlfelt lyric and melodic
          slowly got his life back on track.lowly got his life back on track.  s
                                                              structures, the Tinny Bennett Band have tructures, the Tinny Bennett Band have
                                                              developed a distinct and eclectic sound  veloped a distinct and eclectic sound
          Tinny became a father himself and now had
          Tinny became a father himself and now had  that is utterly compelling.that is utterly compelling.
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