Page 40 - Write Away Magazine Dec 2019
P. 40

Last Christmas

        George Michael & Wham By Paul Michel

        Last Christmas, I gave you my heart                   Christmas time wouldn’t be the same without those classic
        But the very next day you gave it away                tunes that haunt our TV and Radio each year.  Wow, do I sound
                                                              ancient saying ‘radio’?  Does anyone still use them?  Well, I do
        This year, to save me from tears                      so I suppose that’ll do.  So are you haunted with ‘Merry Christ-
        I’ll give it to someone special (x2)                  mas Everybody’ by Slade or ‘I Wish It Could Be Christmas
                                                              Everyday’?  C’mon admit it, we all have our favourites.
        Once bitten and twice shy                             Last Christmas by Wham! is Jane’s favourite, so I
        I keep my distance                                    thought I would jump on the chance to take a
                                                              look at the origins of the song and the man
        But you still catch my eye                            behind it.  To be fair, It is one of the best
        Tell me, baby                                         during the festive season.  After all,
        Do you recognize me?                                  the UK did vote it the eighth best
                                                              Christmas song ever and us Brits
        Well, it’s been a year                                do like our Chrimbo party hits.
        It doesn’t surprise me
                                                              Although ‘Last Christmas’ is
                                                              credited as Wham! it was totally
        (Merry Christmas!) I wrapped it up and sent it        written and produced by George
        With a note saying, “I love you, “ I meant it         Michael back in 1984 while he
                                                              and Andrew Ridgley, George’s
        Now, I know what a fool I’ve been                     partner in the duo, were visiting
        But if you kissed me now                              his parents.  He jotted the intro
                                                              and chorus down while sat in
        I know you’d fool me again                            his old childhood bedroom and
                                                              played it to Ridgley who said that
        Last Christmas, I gave you my heart                   it was a moment of wonder.
        But the very next day you gave it away                So in August 1984, George recorded
        This year, to save me from tears                      the song in Advision Studios, London
                                                              He played all of the instruments on the
        I’ll give it to someone special (x2)                  track, a Linn 9000 drum machine, a
                                                              Roland Juno-60 synth and sleigh bells,
        A crowded room, friends with tired eyes               performed and produced it.
        I’m hiding from you, and your soul of ice             It was released in December 1984 on Epic records
        My god, I thought you were someone to rely on         with ‘Everything she wants’ on the B Side (Yes, we’re
                                                              still in the days of 45rpm vinyl and tape cassettes here) amist
        Me? I guess I was a shoulder to cry on                some fierce competition.  Live Aids ‘Do they know it’s Christ-
                                                              mas’ was rocketing to the top (of which George Michael was a
        A face on a lover with a fire in his heart            major part) and as the Christmas charts were announced ‘Last
                                                              Christmas’ was, as expected, No:2.
        A man under cover but you tore me apart
        Now, I’ve found a real love you’ll never fool me again  To the credit of George Michael and Andrew Ridgley, all of
                                                              the royalties were donated to the Ethiopian famine.  Although
                                                              Wham! had already scored two No:1 hits, this was probably
        Last Christmas, I gave you my heart                   their most defining moment in the history of the duo.
        But the very next day you gave it away                Yes, there were many ups and downs in Wham and in the per-
        This year, to save me from tears                      sonal life of George Michael which we will take a look at shortly
        I’ll give it to someone special                       but this Christmas classic remains today as the most memorable
                                                              moment.  It showed the true spirit of who Wham! really were.
                                                              They were, at the time a major force in the pop world but this
        A face on a lover with a fire in his heart            particular Christmas saw a side of them, and indeed so many
        A man under cover but you tore him apart              other pop stars, that was simply impossible to ignore and not
                                                              admire.  For that very reason ‘Last Christmas’ will remain as
        Maybe next year I’ll give it to someone               one of the greatest Christmas songs ever.
        I’ll give it to someone special
                                                              I suppose we can see why it is Jane’s favourite!

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