Page 47 - Write Away Magazine Dec 2019
P. 47
Dave Eidson
I am a 63 year old man from hobby of playing the keyboard
the Lake of the Ozarks, and writing songs.
Missouri. I graduated in 1974
from Mack’s Creek, Missouri I wrote “Can You Hear the
as valedictorian. I was voted Angel’s” because I felt that the
most scholarly and most likely message of Christmas had
to succeed. For personal been lost among some
reasons, I didn’t attend Christian churches. Peace on
college but went to work at the Earth, good will to men, for
various industries in the area. God so loved the world and
I spent the last thirty years not just Christians, etc. Peace
working at Blair Cedar until had been replaced by war, love
I quit to care for my invalid by hate. They wanted to take
mom until her death. I have the name of Christ but ignore
dabbled at writing short his central message. Not just
stories and had a story that I message but a commandment,
co-wrote with a friend love not just your neighbors
published in a book called but also your enemies.
the Book of Exodi titled “The
Huntress of Aveleor”. I also Http://
did digital art and had a poem bluefox
in the book. Now I enjoy the 47