Page 65 - Write Away Magazine Dec 2019
P. 65

Richard Solleveld

 The Biggest Tree Of All

 A short introduction.                       2 Descripe the current situation
 I’m a songwriter for a year now.            3. Descripe a goal
 I wrote about 50 lyrics in 1 year, mainly cause I’m in between jobs.  So   4. Descripe how to accomplish this
 I have had my up and downs and wanted to share it with you.  5. Create a situation which is very recognisable

 My tips when you’re stuck: Believe me, I got stuck a lot of times. When  My results were surprising, didn’t know I had it in me. Go ahead and
 you’re stuck on a sentence: delete not just the sentence, delete the   try it. Good luck with writing!
 whole verse and start over, instead of looking for a word to rhyme. I
 once got stuck for 2 hours and got moody looking for a rhyme. When   Now on to Christmas.
 your really stuck you should consider this option.  I wrote a Christmas song and I wanted it to be
                                             different from the rest and to be about now: 2019.
 My tips for a writersblock: I work a lot with
 assignments like:                           1. It’s about showing off, a need to have the most beautiful, expensive
                                             tree and decoration, totally
 • Has to be funny and have a long chorus    forgetting what Christmasmas is all about.
 • Write something where you only use three sentences in verse, instead  2. Then also, the opposite, its all because of love, in the chorus.
 of four
 • Write using a storytelling spine, for example this one.  The question for the listeners will be:

 The Story Spine: Pixar’s 4th Rule of Storytelling:  1. All this showing off is crazy, waste of money. There are other ways to  prove this.
 com/2013/03/22/the-story-spine-pixars-4th-rule-of-storytelling/amp/  2. Or it’s ok, cause this persons aim is to make the other person see
                                             how big his/ her love is.
 Or use this link, this one is very helpful  Wanna read more lyrics?
                                             Then go to Lyrics-English (at the bottom)
                                             and choose a category
 In short a short version:                   Or follow me on facebook
 1. Choose a character who’s easy to indentify with

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