Page 17 - The Spirit of Christmas 1940
P. 17
The Spirit of Christmas 1940
same boat. Everyone knew someone who wouldn’t be coming
home but as long as everybody stuck together, he knew the losses
wouldn’t be in vain.
Still, he stared across at the soldier. For a brief moment, his
previous thoughts of suspision disappeared only to be replaced
by sorrow and a want to go over and ask if he was ok. He knew
if he did, he would get it in the neck from Rosie so he turned his
attentions back to his news stand. After all, Christmas was on it’s
way and a crust had to be earned.
Mr Crispin had just about put the finishing touches to the tree.
It truly was the shining light in the darkness. He had covered the
branches with all sorts of ornaments and garlands. At the top, was
a bright golden star that glinted in the sunlight that poured through
the glass panes of the roof.
He stood back and admired his work. In true Mr Crispin style,
he muttered “About bloody time!” in his strong northern accent.
Although he could always find something to moan at, he was a
kind and thoughtful man at heart, Many said his moaning was
just a ruse to bolster his authority around the station. but everyone
could see through it.
He gazed around the station, everything was normal. Nothing
to get too concerned about so time to retire to his office for a well
earned cup of tea.