Page 4 - The Spirit of Christmas 1940
P. 4
The Spirit of Christmas 1940 has actually been played out in
my mind so many times in varying formats. Believe it or not, it
actually started out life as a musical. Many songs were written to
carry the story through but the more and more I wrote, the more
the story became a Christmas tale that needed to be written as a
I cannot begin to tell you the amount of influences that have
driven me to write this book. From a long and difficult military
career, to a deep interest of war-time Britain. There is even a hint
of Mr Dickens there, not that I would ever compare myself to the
great man.
Setting the story at the time of the Blitz gave me a unique
opportunity to develop a hidden story of everyday folk in one of
the most testing times our country has ever seen. I hope it pays
homage to those brave, resiliant soles who refused to let a bully
dictate their way of life.
Of course, there is a strong ficticious element as you will soon
see but I have endevoured to keep the story accurate for the time
period. However, I apologise in advance for any unintentional
inaccuracies. But please do bear in mind it is just a story.
Finally, I would like to thank my wonderful partner for her
support and encouragement while I wrote our story. Every man
needs a rock on which to build his church, Jane has proved time
and time again to be the foundation for my life’s Cathedral and I
would like to dedicate this book to her devotion.