Page 19 - LifeInLyrics2
P. 19
Yesterday’s Child
She's dancing down the avenue
Golden curls shine in the sun
Face of beauty eyes of blue
Turning the heads of everyone
She kicks a can into the street
She is so fine, she is so wild
She's got rhythm in her feet
Oh yes she's yesterday’s child
Where did she go to, yesterday’s child
Always a loner she was so wild
Torn jeans patched knees her fashion style
Yesterday’s child...... yesterday’s child
Got no worries and got no cares
Climbs a wall stands on the edge
She goes places boys won't dare
Never afraid to walk the ledge
Plays in the street until it's dark
Miss independent running wild
Walks on her own plays in the park
Oh yes she's yesterday’s child
Yesterday’s child lived just to have some fun
Yesterday’s child, yesterday’s child
Yesterdays child played out all day in the sun
Yesterday’s child, yesterday’s child
Where did she go to, yesterday’s child
Always a loner she was so wild
Torn jeans patched knees her fashion style
Yesterday’s child...... yesterday’s child
Jane Shields