Page 28 - HaveFaithOct
P. 28

Have Faith

          One of the most important parts
          of my life is my faith.  But being
          human means I often fail to meet
          the standards we are meant to
          keep.  As a soldier, I constantly
          looked forguidance to ensure I
          conducted myself correctlyand always did the right thing.
          The human side of me meant, of course that I often failed.
          These days my past has become clearer to see and I often
          reflect on where I have been and what  I have done to see
          where I went wrong or what I got right.  So I have decided to
          write these experiences down with a little spiritual assistance
          from the Bible, my personal choice of faith reference.  I do
          hope that these scribblings help you all.



                                               Thoughts and

                                             Prayers from a

                                               British Army


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