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What’s Your Lyric Writing Love Story?
Taking a cue from St. Valentine’s Day and this Rather than leaving your songwriting story to
month’s love theme in Write Away, let’s examine chance, shape your story how you wish
your lyric writing through the lens of love… .
Telling Your Lyric Writing Story
Why Do You Love Lyric Writing?
This can be private and stay in your lyric notebook,
What drives you to turn random phrases into song but consider crafting a story you can share.
lyrics? How do you explain your bizarre behaviour
to someone who’s never sweated over finding the How can you express your passion for songwriting?
perfect rhyme word or the best turn of phrase for a Do you capture emotions in lyrics? Do you share
song lyric? your unique perspective on the world through
song? Are your lyrics a way to heal your pain?
Simply put, at some level, you love writing song
lyrics and want to improve… otherwise you Many of my songs are a humorous look at the com-
wouldn’t be spending time reading this magazine, plexities and contradictions of modern life. Other
dreaming of hearing your songs on the radio! songs are positive reflections on past emotional
pain. I emphasize a positive perspective in all of my
A common definition of love is: caring more about songs, regardless of the subject matter.
someone else’s happiness than your own. When it
comes to loving an activity, like lyric writing, I think You can develop stories for different audiences…
of it as something you need to do in order to ensure one for cocktail parties, another to help your spouse
your own happiness. understand why you get distracted and wander
away to scribble words. Create another version
You love lyric writing if you become so focused which explains your lyric writing approach to a
you “lose time”... you don’t notice the time passing. potential co-writing partner.
You’re so engaged that you spent an hour at it, but it
felt like a few minutes. You’re doing something that What’s Your Lyric Writing Love Story? (Exercise)
you love.
Write a story about your lyric writing. Start with
Now, like a relationship between two people, love point form and brainstorm ideas before writing the
isn’t always easy. There are tough times, times when first draft. Include: emotions, sensations, and vivid
you doubt if you’ll make it, times when it feels like a details as you brainstorm. Outline your entire
battle or you have to “take a break”.... journey or focus on a specific moment in time.
Here are some prompts to inspire your writing:
Why Stories Are Important
The Beginning of Your Story
The stories we tell shape our world, reflect our
beliefs and affect our emotions. How you talk and What was the magic moment when you first
think about your lyric writing influences your realized you wanted to write lyrics?
experience. A positive story of uplifting emotions
and touching the lives of others will motivate you if How did you feel as you were writing your first
you’re having a struggle day or an off month. If your lyrics?
story is a love/hate relationship where you’re either
ecstatic or fighting… guess what your songwriting What were the struggles and triumphs while you
will feel like. were learning to write?