Page 15 - Have Faith Oct_Neat
P. 15
Day 15 & 16 Mightier than the waves of the sea is his love...
Is the pen mightier than the sword... Acts 9: 1-19
This is my favourite subject by far. I abso- cations in writing, I certainly do not think of
lutely adore writing. It gives me an awful lot myself as Godly or any type of minister or
of pleasure not only in the actual act of writ- pastor, in fact I consider myself that falls a
ing but also hearing what others take from long way from Gods standards but I do know
what I write. In the last five years I have writ- I have a gift that He uses through me to
ten songs, poetry, three musical plays (Two speak to people. We all possess these gifts,
of them Rock Operas), a very successful Vet- the trick is to recognise them. I know, in the
erans Magazine, a PTSD self help guide and fight that I am involved in, God has armed me
now I am writing a new publication called with a pen. So, yes, in my case, the pen is
Have Faith. Hence my ramblings here. mightier than any sword. I have spoken
When I think of the reasons why I have come about St Paul in the past and the road he
to this, I can only say that I want to help vet- took to going from making his mistakes to be-
erans by being their voice. I will help anyone coming a true Saint. He was also a pen mas-
I can and it doesn't matter what background ter. Proof? take a look at the New Testament.
you come from, if you get a little bit of good Much of it written by him. Does this not prove
from what I write, I am a happy man. I know the gifts that we are given and how they can
deep in my heart this is the path God has set be used? Does it also not prove he uses
me on. He knows what I have been through those who have sinned the most to build his
in my life, he knows my strengths and my church on? What an amazing thing. Yes, St
weaknesses and uses both of those for his Paul was a man who's Pen was mightier than
work. Now, I do not have any formal qualifi- his Sword.
The Voice... Matthew 7: 7-12, Phillipians 4: 4-7.
"You need a voice to tell the world your story" Minister was asked a question about a recent
The hook line for a very famous and very Trident missile accident and the cover up sur-
powerful song written by one of the greatest rounding it. No matter how directly the young
songwriters of our time. OK, I'm exaggerating reporter put the question, the Prime Minister
a little, it's one of mine. Joking aside though, came back with an answer that avoided the
when I wrote the voice it carried with it a very question all together. I could see the reporter
simple message, if you need help use your filling with rage as though her voice was not
voice to ask for it, if you have something to being heard. As veterans, we often feel this
say, use your voice to say it. Unfortunately it way in so many of our issues. One lesson I
is never as easy as that in this day and age. have learnt is that God hears every voice
Two opposite forms of speaking sit in my from the loudest scream to the faintest whis-
mind today. Firstly, anyone who has gone per. He doesn't only hear but he answers too,
through military basic training will know the maybe not in the time we want or maybe not
power of the voice. Not in the least when the answer we want but you can guarantee
some angry drill sergeant is screaming blue that every answer will be right and true. I
thunder two inches from the end of your won't guarantee that we will get what we
nose. It kind of tends to grab your attention want but I will guarantee that he will never ig-
and gets the point across in no uncertain nore us or skirt around the question. What
terms. I can almost feel the cringing from we must not be afraid to do is ask. A simple
every veteran that's out there. The second prayer in your own privacy is all it takes. So,
example comes from listening to a Sunday go on, use your voice to tell the Lord your
morning politics show in which our Prime story.
Have Faith 15 |