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The real truth behind the Beast from the East
he new style Honda Civic Type R - FK8 Tyres are a standard type across the field with
was literally rolled out to the public for the Prime, Option and of course the wets.
Tthe first time at the season launch at
Donnington at the end of March 2018, It was noticed during 2018 of difference in lap
times of up to a second and a half between the
I had been to Team Dynamics HQ in Droitwich prime and options. The great things about
several times on the lead up to the new these rules is that again, it levels the field
season but there was one area we could not ensuring all teams have the same chance.
go into. It was like having to avoid a paddock
in Jurrasic Park, hiding some dangerous As you look into the car cockpit itself, you will
beast. It wasn’t far off the truth actually. OK, see the expected stuff, a fantastically
the FK8 looks like the production car but constructed cage which is generally
probably stops there in it’s likeness to what responsible for our lads walking away and
you can buy in the shop. swearing from crashes rather them being
carted off in ambulances. The steering wheel,
It’s only when you get close to it you see it’s is basically the mouse, keyboard and joystick
pedigree as a thoroughbred racing car. to the cars systems and controls. I shan’t go
too deep into it to ensure TD’s privacy.
The 2-litre turbo-charged powerplant is set to
the standards laid out by NGTC regulations. The gearshift is a straight forward and back
This keeps the playing fields on the level which selection as is typical across the board. There
is probably why you may notice just how close is also a compartment set for success ballast
qualifying times can be. which can carry a range of weights from 75kg
for first place to 6kg for 10th.
Surprisingly, and much
to the credit of the
FK8 and the
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