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Developing Your

               Songwriter Vision


                 Scott Krajca, CPC, CHT

                                                              are intentional and learn to fill our “raft” with people
                                                              and resources that make us better and who want us
                                                              to get to our big dream.

                                                              As a certified professional coach, I have learned
                                                              through past clients (and my own mistakes) that the
                                                              odds of achieving a goal without a vision (and plan)
                                                              are fairly low.

                                                              The Science Behind Visioning
                                                              Quantum Physicists are finally backing up what
                                                              successful people have known for hundreds of years-
                                                              what you focus on and believe, will most likely create
            f money and your current skill level were not     the result. The thoughts and ideas we focus on will
            an issue, what would be your biggest dream as a   literally create a reaction in the body. Synapses in the
        Isongwriter/lyricist?                                 brain have been recorded to move when someone
                                                              switches from negative thoughts (i.e. I’ll never make
        Maybe you can answer this question immediately or     it, I’m not good enough) to desired present-state
        maybe you’d have to stop and think about it. While    outcomes (i.e. I am a successful songwriter, I get to
        some would even scoff at the idea of entertaining     do what I love whenever I want).
        such a “woo-woo” idea. But here’s the thing. We are
        all traveling down the “river of life”. Sometimes the   It’s not to say that people with negative thoughts are
        river is smooth, sometimes we can barely hang on for  not successful. Sometimes raw talent is undeniable
        dear life through the Class VI rapids life can throw   and has nothing to do with the thoughts we have. But
        our way.                                              again, since I am also an engineer, I look at proba-
                                                              bilities. How many songwriters get by on raw talent
        Would you rather have a vision and plan on how to     alone? For most, having a vision, work ethic, connec-
        get down the river, or would you rather just lie back,   tions, and honing skills have been the keys to success
        float on, and let the river take care of the rest?    (like most successful people).

        Not surprisingly, many people approach life like the   Your “Wish List”
        latter – no plan, at the mercy of chance and the idea   So, let’s start visioning. This first step is usually an
        that you will be “taken care of.” While I personally   exciting one for most people. Allow yourself 20-30
        believe in a higher power, I have also come to the    minutes to grab a piece of paper and pen, or jump
        realization that while we are on planet earth, there is   on the computer , and give yourself permission to
        a higher probability we will achieve our dreams if we   answer the following question: What will it look like

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