Page 7 - Jan InDesign
P. 7

Daryn Wright

         The ball has dropped.  Fireworks are going          Your resolution may be to exercise more,
         off marking the beginning of a new year.            get fit, or gain muscle.  Apply this to your

         Everyone has been celebrating the years end.   lyric by evaluating the content.  Do the
         one for you, but we are all in this together.       Do they stay on point?  Is the hook strong
         The year may have been a good one or a bad  words have enough impact on the message?

         Not one of us will truly remain in the
         previous year, rebelling, refusing to go into
         the new year and new decade.  If we want to  Your resolution may be to organize your life
  Do Not   time to time and see what has become our          Do your lyrics follow a natural and
         or not, we all reflect back on the past from
                                                             better.  Do you have your music in order?
         new lives.  For some it will be the same old
                                                             chronological pattern?  Does each verse
                                                             follow the same pattern?
         thing.  For others a bright new beginning.

  Series:  It is now that we make our New Years              Whatever your resolution, be sure to apply

                                                             the same resolution to your lyrics.  This is
                                                             a time to get out lyrics you put away a long
         The holidays are over.  A new year, and a
                                                             songs you wrote a long time ago and
         new decade has begun.  This is time we take         time ago.  Take a new look at old lyrics or
                                                             evaluate them.  This is a good indication
         a good look at ourselves.  Often, we look at
  Do Not   our down falls and determine to make              how you have grown in your writing skills.
                                                             If you have not made enough progress in
         resolutions to fix our down falls, or to make
         drastic changes in our lives.  The truth is,

         most of us will give up after a couple of           your writing skills, then maybe it is time to
                                                             evaluate your resolutions and include your
         weeks because the changes we intend to
                                                             lyric writing as part of it.
  Drop   make are far too different from the normal          Accomplishing your resolution will have an
         routines and life styles we live.
                                                             everlasting effect on your life.  Winning at
                                                             a goal will only lead to more confidence in
         Take a good hard look at what our
  The Ball  resolution is for our every day life, and apply  your journeys.
         the same thing to our lyric writing.  If we
         have the same resolution in varied aspects of  Synchronizing your efforts.
         our lives, it will make it easier to stay f
         ocused and determined to accomplish those  The ball has dropped, marking a new

         goals.                                              beginning and a new year, and though the
                                                             ball has been dropped, DO NOT DROP
         Your resolution may be to lose weight.  Not         THE BALL on your goals.
         just any weight, but in specific areas of your
         body.  We can apply this to our lyrics by           Have a happy new year.  May all of your
         evaluating its content.  Can the lyric say the      goals become accomplishments.
         same thing with less words?  Is it too wordy
         or too long?  Does the song build up to a           Written by Daryn Wright
         climax, or does it start strong and fall short

         as it progresses?                         

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