Page 2 - The Record
P. 2
A Word from the Editor
up a template with a header and footer
uniformal to every page. Again, it gives
a professional look. The pages are not
overcrowded and again, easy on the eye.
You may also notice I am not overdoing
colours. I basically have black, blue and
white on these opening pages for text and
lines. The black is tinted down in some
sections to 80% to give a nice elegant
greying effect.
This page in particular is split as an intro
page - the editors notes and the credits for
he first sectiom of this is simply the mag and charity. But the information
an example of your opening notes will be as requested. Things that I have
Teither from the boss or yourself or put are just for example only.
whoever you see fit to write this section.
The page overleaf will always be for
I have always used the editors notes to Contents. Obviously a quick reference to
introduce the magazine for the month the magazine is essential so I use minimal
to draw attention to the main issues and text and a collage of photos containing
any other important notes. I shall use page numbers. Again, it’s quick, easy and
this page to explain how I would design a efficient. Readers never dwell too long on
magazine from cover to cover. this page so we help them to get into the
mag as quickly as possible.
I am using Indesign for the main
design platform although I also use The pages after are very simple. News
Quark Xpress occassionally. I also use articles first. With the Sandbag Times Editor
Photoshop especially for the cover and (SBT) I dedicated 2-4 pages purely Paul George
any advertisments I may have to make as a news bulletin and set it out in a
for clients. It’s very quick and easy and newspaper style format which is very
produces great results. simple yet a familiar standard to reassure All credits here
our readers.
A quick example would be to look at the Address
cover picture. I have two layers of the After this it is simply articles with a centre
main pic with a transparent background double spread usually to do with the
from the heads of both people. Doing cover pic. Tel No:
this, I tucked the bottom of the title text
line behind the characters. It gives it a The page designs are down to the Email
nice professional look. individual articles. I’ve included a few
basic designs to give you an idea. Etc
The cover is straight forward, easy on
the eye and organised giving it a sleek, I shall explain a few other ideas
professional appearance. This is really throughout the mag.
important when dealing with charitable
organisations. I feel it’s important to
give the reader the impression that the
organisation is on the ball. Happy reading!
Moving to the contents pages, I’ve set Paul
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