Page 21 - SAFFER Magazine 01
P. 21
patrons definitely find this weird. I’ve even learnt to drink some Authors Bio
of his beer – from his glass. He seems to derive great pleasure
from this gesture. My children grew up to think of this as nor- My husband and I (both in our late 60s) together with our
mal behaviour. I know that this is a good way of maintaining daughter, live in a quaint little coastal village on the beautiful
peace at our table. Lower South Coast of KwaZulu-Natal. We love the laidback
lifestyle, the temperate climate and the company of co-retirees
As a Feedee, I must be the greatest disappointment of his life. in our security complex. Life is not always a bed of roses – what
But his choices are limited. Our obese dog recently passed away. with a few grumpy old men in our midst – but at least my
And our cat is anorexic. daughter and I are avid hikers and can always escape to one of
the endless beaches with tidal pools, nature reserves and hiking
Lately, he’s been trying to rope our daughter into his Feeding trails. We are enthusiastic amateur photographers and in this
Frenzies. But he is very cautious around her. She has been breathtakingly countryside, it is almost impossible to to capture
known to bite the fingers that feed her. Occasionally, she does a bad image.
consent to sharing an apple with both her mom and dad. We
enjoy this three-way meal, one apple at a time while watching
television. At least this behaviour benefits the constitution.
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