Page 47 - Write Away Magazine April
P. 47
The Story Behind “Time Reveals”e Story Behind “Time Reveals”e Story Behind “Time Reveals” c c
came to mind. In the case of these lyrics, I was lis-ame to mind. In the case of these lyrics, I was lis-ame to mind. In the case of these lyrics, I was lis-
t t tening to a playlist on shuffle. As soon as I heard one ening to a playlist on shuffle. As soon as I heard one ening to a playlist on shuffle. As soon as I heard one
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When I first started writing these lyrics, I was aiming hen I first started writing these lyrics, I was aiming hen I first started writing these lyrics, I was aiming
W W of my favorite Cat Stevens’ songs, it all clicked. At f my favorite Cat Stevens’ songs, it all clicked. At f my favorite Cat Stevens’ songs, it all clicked. At
t t
f f for a hard rock/metal outcome. The first three songs or a hard rock/metal outcome. The first three songs or a hard rock/metal outcome. The first three songs that moment, I completely changed direction on my hat moment, I completely changed direction on my hat moment, I completely changed direction on my
v v
r r released under my JP23Lyrics name, were of the hard eleased under my JP23Lyrics name, were of the hard eleased under my JP23Lyrics name, were of the hard verses and chorus. The only word that remained from erses and chorus. The only word that remained from erses and chorus. The only word that remained from
my original vision, was the very first word, “time”.y original vision, was the very first word, “time”.y original vision, was the very first word, “time”.
r r rock genre. I joined forces with Steve Dillon on those ock genre. I joined forces with Steve Dillon on those ock genre. I joined forces with Steve Dillon on those m m
projects. He captured my visions perfectly, and rojects. He captured my visions perfectly, and rojects. He captured my visions perfectly, and
p p
The completed final version of “TimeReveals” tells e completed final version of “TimeReveals” tells e completed final version of “TimeReveals” tells
produced amazing results.roduced amazing results.roduced amazing results.
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the story of a father and son. This father wants to he story of a father and son. This father wants to he story of a father and son. This father wants to
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m m
Then I released three acoustic singer/songwriter en I released three acoustic singer/songwriter en I released three acoustic singer/songwriter make sure his son understands the decisions and ake sure his son understands the decisions and ake sure his son understands the decisions and
c c
s s styled songs with an artist who’s contractual tyled songs with an artist who’s contractual tyled songs with an artist who’s contractual choices he makes on his life journey, will define him hoices he makes on his life journey, will define him hoices he makes on his life journey, will define him
as a man. In the end, the father hopes his son makes s a man. In the end, the father hopes his son makes s a man. In the end, the father hopes his son makes
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obligations preclude him from being credited. Some bligations preclude him from being credited. Some bligations preclude him from being credited. Some a a
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d d
day, I hope to be able to add his name to the credits, ay, I hope to be able to add his name to the credits, ay, I hope to be able to add his name to the credits, wiser decisions than he did, and...well,iser decisions than he did, and...well,iser decisions than he did, and...well,
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I won’t ruin it for you.on’t ruin it for you.on’t ruin it for you.
b b
because he is fantastic!ecause he is fantastic!ecause he is fantastic! I w
h h
This song “Time Reveals”, falls into the latter of the s song “Time Reveals”, falls into the latter of the s song “Time Reveals”, falls into the latter of the
t t two genres. Originally, the goal was to tell a story of wo genres. Originally, the goal was to tell a story of wo genres. Originally, the goal was to tell a story of
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how time, in the end, does not matter. Time was just ow time, in the end, does not matter. Time was just ow time, in the end, does not matter. Time was just
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a a jKw4Hb?si=6CHYTOa5QGq-fEtc8HgQ7Aw4Hb?si=6CHYTOa5QGq-fEtc8HgQ7Aw4Hb?si=6CHYTOa5QGq-fEtc8HgQ7A
an illusion, and whatever we did, had no bearing or n illusion, and whatever we did, had no bearing or n illusion, and whatever we did, had no bearing or
impact in the end because our existence wasn’t real. pact in the end because our existence wasn’t real. pact in the end because our existence wasn’t real.
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(R (R
(Remember, this was going to be a hard rock/metal emember, this was going to be a hard rock/metal emember, this was going to be a hard rock/metal
s s song). I continually wrote verses and chorus ong). I continually wrote verses and chorus ong). I continually wrote verses and chorus
h h
t t thoughts, then edited and moved them around. houghts, then edited and moved them around. houghts, then edited and moved them around.
Overall, the project took around a month of late verall, the project took around a month of late verall, the project took around a month of late
h h
night writing here and there. As I continued on with ht writing here and there. As I continued on with ht writing here and there. As I continued on with
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the process, I was listening to differentstyles of music he process, I was listening to differentstyles of music he process, I was listening to differentstyles of music
as I wrote, often pausing a song when a new idea s I wrote, often pausing a song when a new idea s I wrote, often pausing a song when a new idea
a a 47