Page 53 - Write Away Magazine April
P. 53

Marcelo Deissarcelo Deiss

 Horses Running

        MARCELØ DEISS is a Brazilian born,                    our society and the current problems we face
        London based artist whose music dances                together in the modern world. This to me
        between indie, blues, folk and rock. His              seems more relevant due to the current
        music details themes about social alienation          situation our society is facing right now.”
        and human condition in subjects like greed,           Knowing that he wanted to write about
        hypocrisy, absurdity and despair. The South           society and the system we live in, the
        American artist feeds off irony, satire and a         songwriter was triggered by movements such

        dose of dark humor to make audiences see              as Brexit, Trump, Me Too, Black Lives Matter
        the obvious that goes unnoticed in everyday           and other topics that deal with oppression.
        life. Highlighting situations and news that we  Comparing them to the dystopian worlds
        see but we don’t look at and news we hear but  in sci-fi books including Brave New World,
        we don’t listen to, MARCELØ brings light to           1984 and The Year Of The Flood, MARCELØ
        ordinary occurrences. Everything from the             noticed that these worlds aren’t very far from
        overuse of technology, to economic policy             our own.
        and our daily customs.
                                                              “Horses Running” soaks up much of

        Spending time in both London and Sao                  MARCELØ’s love for blues artists including
        Paulo, the musician is able to explore new            B.B King and Eric Clapton, while
        sounds as well as new topics. Influenced              simultaneously delivering a fresh and
        greatly by visual artists such as Steve Cutts         modern indie rock sound. The track features
        and John Holcroft, MARCELØ’s songs                    powerful lyrics, distorted, gritty guitars and a
        revolve around the struggling underclass,             determined rhythm section, whilst
        with anthems about anti-establishment,                emanating vintage sounds through the use of
        anti-capitalist and anti-war. MARCELØ                 analog equipment. The Brazilian artist
        shares, “Cutts and Holcroft’s work embodies a  creates music to stimulate emotions and
        powerful and scary message about                      “Horses Running” is a shining example.
        humankind which we can all really relate to

        as human beings. Their work really helped             With the hope that his music may spark
        create a clear vision of what I was trying to         conversations about subjects that need to be
        achieve sonically.”                                   confronted and ultimately lead to answers in
                                                              the long run, MARCELØ DEISS continues
        In his latest work, MARCELØ touches on                his journey, with the release of “Horses
        narratives revolving around the constant              Running”.
        struggles and injustice we face in our society
        and how it is affecting us all. “Horses     
        Running” deals with themes such as greed    

        and social disaffection. MARCELØ confides,  
        “I think it’s important to discuss topics about       marcelo-deiss-horses-running

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