Page 12 - Write Away November Issue
P. 12

Co-writing... Fraught With Peril?

        There are lots of good reasons to collaborate on a    pretty sure bet to make your co-writer withdrawn,
        songwriting session….unfortunately, there are also  or worse. We used to have a “safe word”......”well,
        a lot of bad reasons. Let’s apply our usual “gross    maybe if it had a bridge” was code for “thatsucks”....
        oversimplification of a complex issue” technique to  ( a bridge is a completely different counter melody,
        see ifwe can at least describe the layout of the      right?)....and even though we both knew it was a
        minefield--and maybe even findsome kind of path       fake construct, it hurt less, and drew a laugh.
        to a happy result.
                                                              And while speaking of wrong reasons--the internet
        Step one: Lower those expectations! If nothing of     is full of stories where sweet young songwriters
        value results, all that is lost is a little time      (often female, but hey, it’s a new world out there)
        (assuming you’ve avoided the mines detailed           are invited to co-write as a “come-on” to sex.
        below). In fact, if your co-writing partner proves    When their story includes “I had heard he does
        completely inept, you may have learned some           that”, “Co-writing is L.A.’s version of Let’s go for
        approaches (Jack Daniels, perhaps?) to avoid! If      coffee”, and “After we got high, things went south”,
        you’ve at least jumpstarted your desire to write      it shouldn’t eliminate culpability...but it definitely
        something, so much the better. But you had            lowers our opinion of their IQ.  And, setting
        probably hoped for more, huh? Well, sorry to be       moral indignation aside (not because it’s not called
        Debbie Downer, but...                                 for, though “zero tolerance” for young men being
                                                              stupid is a WHOLE ‘nother book), there’s another
        Step two: You can’t completely prepare for the        issue here, specifically a songwriting issue. What
        worst (it may be beyond your imagination), but at     happened to the song? The poor little innocent
        least try to steer clear of the blatantly obvious     song you supposedly cared about...that’s lying
        problems. If you’re a brilliant guitarist who         bloodied and broken? How’d that turn out?
        struggles with lyrics, don’t select another brilliant   Obviously, you don’t care. You call yourself a
        guitarist that struggles with lyrics…..unless you’re   songwriter, but have so little respect for the song
        looking for an instrumental…..or therapy. Know        that you used it as a pretext to hit on someone? As
        your own strengths and weaknesses….and try to         crazy as it sounds, that mindset is so screwed up
        pick someone who knows theirs! Otherwise, while       that it’s almost as offensive to REAL songwriters as
        you’re searching for a rhyme for “wanderlust”,        the predatory stuff. I’ll need to wash my mind out
        you’re going to get “You know what guitar lick        with soap….TWICE!  Moving on….
        would be cooler than what you’re playing there”.
                                                              Step Three: How do we divide up the
        Corollary: If you’re co-writing with someone more     credit/money? In today’s music industry, that’s an
        famous and accomplished with you, try to feel out     easy one: there won’t be any, so it doesn’t matter….
        how much pushback you can have without giving         whoops, there’s that negativity again. You should at
        offense. OR, just let them trample the song under     least set up a situation where either of you can use
        their ego….you’ve just learned what a WRONG           the song in a “placement” if someone wants it, and
        reason for picking a co-writer is! I can’t tell you   that should be in writing. “No, I don’t want it in a
        to say “No” to someone more accomplished, only        soap commercial, and I’m in Sweden for the next 3
        remind you that if something other than the song      weeks” should NOT be a dealbreaker…...if you’re
        is your motivation, I’m out! (more on that later)     that concerned, spell out what can’t be allowed
        No matter who you write with, courtesy is key.        (just remember the current state of the industry).
        Though you’re excited, and maybe (God forbid)         If you’re polishing up a project that’s mostly fin-
        under a deadline, blurting out “that part sucks” is a  ished, spell out whether they’re doing you a favor,

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