Page 55 - wamcountry
P. 55
Michael J. McClellanichael J. McClellan
why don’t you give my heart a break
singalongs. In my early twenties I wrote my first to play more and write a bit.
song that I can remember. It was in the back seat of I have attended guitar workshops in Toronto on three
a Volkswagon Bug on the way to Florida in March different occasions, once for accoustic, once jazz and
1974, on holiday with two buddies. It was titled “The once songwriting. I have also bought a semi hollow
Land Of Sun”....closing line was...’heading for the sun, body Godin “flat five”.
the sand, the surf, and fun...going where the oranges
call home...and the sky above, is like a big blue dome” I like to learn and study theory in bits and pieces.
Hookie, I know. I am writing more frequently in the past couple of
years and attending a few open mics. At this point
So I continued to write from time to time but played I would like to record my songs but I am not very
and wrote less and less as my three children were knowlegable nor do I possess a lot of equipment or
born and moved to New Brunswick , near the good software.
Province where I grew up.
For me, although I only play to a very small
In the mid nineties I started to feel like playing and audience, music, guitar, and writing are fulfilling
learning more so I went to my local music store to and enhancing my life.
look for a new guitar, the old Espana was not in very
good shape. I purchased a Takamine SW 341 SC
limited edition signed by Steve Wariner and started 55