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               Hello again, and welcome to Write Away Magazine.  This
            month passed very quickly, but yet again I’m amazed by the

          articles that keep coming in from such talented artists.  Please
                        do check out the links they have provided to
             websites/music/pages.  Some fabulous talent in our midst.

           I’d like to take this opportunity to offer a sincere welcome to

           my new regular writer Holly Nicole Combs.  You can find her
              first article on page 16 of this issue, thank you Holly, and
                                               welcome aboard.

            Also, if you enjoy reading poetry and lyrics please check out

          Volume one of my very own ‘Life In Lyrics’, you can find a link
          to preview or download at the rear of this issue.  My hope is to
          raise enough funds to be able to print some hard copies some

           time in the future.  So for a download I figuered £2.00 was a
            fair enough price to ask for access to a glimpse into my life,

           (less than the cost for a cup of coffee).  Should you decide to
         download it I’d very much appreciate listening to any feedback
                       you might have on it, please drop me an email

         with your thoughts.

         Likewise, if you have any questions you’d like answering by my
          Lyrics Doctor please email them to me and he will answer in a
                                                  future issue.

          That’s enough from me, except to wish you all happy reading,

             you know where to find me if you’d like to be featured in a
                                            future issue.  Enjoy.

                                                     Jane xxx

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