Page 18 - prim 5 booklet 2025 Summary hajar_Neat 3
P. 18

Delta Modern Language Schools
Science department
Grade 5
1st term 2024 -2025

What would happen if... ?      Result                                     Reason

There is a gentle rain in      The desert ecosystem may       Because rainwater will feed
the desert.                    be improved.                   the plants (producers) which
                                                              will feed the organisms.
There is a heavy rain in       The desert ecosystem may
the desert.                    be harmed.                     Because the water of heavy
                                                              rain will cause flooding which
There is a drought and all     The food web in the            will destroy the ecosystem.
the grass dies.                ecosystem may be
                               destroyed.                     Because the plants will die
                                                              and also the organisms will
There are many top             The other organisms in the     die.

predators in the food web. food web may be harmed.            Because the top predators
                                                              will eat all the organisms

                               Marine food web

Algae produceTheir              the zooplankton,              The sea star feeds on the
     own food.                 clam and sea urchin             clam, coral feed on the
                                feed on the algae.

                                 The shark feeds on sea       Butterfly fish and trigger
                                    star, Butterfly fish,         fish feed on coral,

                               parrotfish and trigger fish .  parrotfish feeds on coral
                                                                   and sea urchin.

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