Page 14 - sheet prime 2 scope and sequence 222222_Neat
P. 14

Delta modern language school                Scope and Sequence

Grade (2)
Date: ...... /....../………….

Theme (2): The World Around Me
Chapter (2): Helping My Habitat

                           Vocab     Shark  Seahorse            Forest

Lesson (2)                           City Beetle                Fox

    (What is in Habitat?)            1) Habitat: is the natural environment of plants and
                           Language  2) In the habitat we can find: air, food, water, and shelter.
                                     3)In the ocean we can find: Fish/dolphin/shark/seahorse.
                                     4) In the forest we can find: Monkey/lion/tiger/elephant.
                                     5) In the city we can find: People/cats/dogs.
                                     6)In the desert we can find: Camel/beetle /fox.

Lesson (3)                 Vocab
    (Birds of Egypt)
                                     Dove   Egret               Geese

                           Language  1) Egypt has different birds like: dove, egret, geese.
                                     2) Egret is the farmer's friend.
                                     3)Dove is found in many cities.

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