P. 17
TGWS – Monthly Planner – December (2020-21)
DECEMBER 2020-2021
Date Day Event
1 Tuesday Colour of the Month- Red
3 Thursday Outdoor Activity: Kangaroo jump- K1
4 Friday Animals-K1(Resource person)
5 Saturday Art Fest ( K1 to G7 & G8 CBSE)
7 Monday Pre Annual -1 begins for G10 & G12 CBSE
Half Yearly Exam begins for G9 & G11 CBSE
Mock 1 Exam begins for G10 IGCSE & AS/A Level
12 Saturday Second Saturday
14 Monday “Little Act of Kindness” Week begins for Pre-Primary
Best out of waste for G1- G3 and Creative work begins for G4 & G5
and Fancy Walk (Life through Leadership Activity)
15 Tuesday Talent Hunt Show: Twist & Turn-K1, Making Paper Transport-K2 &
Go As You Like-K3
16 Wednesday Periodic Assessment-3 begins for G1-G5
17 Thursday Special Activity: Making Christmas Decoration
18 Friday “ Little Act of Kindness” Week ends
18 Wednesday Best out of waste for G1- G3 and Creative work ends for G4 & G5
and Fancy Walk (Life through Leadership Activity)
21 Monday Outdoor Activity - Game on traffic signal-K2 / Animal Walk-K3
Pre Annual -1 ends for G10 & G12 CBSE
Half Yearly Exam ends for G9 & G11 CBSE
Indoor Activity: Making farm Corner for K3
22 Tuesday Virtual Field Trip: Visit to Railway station for K2
Periodic Assessment-3 ends for G1-G5
Mock 1 Exam ends for G10 IGCSE & AS/A Level
23 Wednesday Christmas Celebration - Special Assembly ( K1- G5)
24-26 Thursday to Christmas Holiday
28 Monday Online Assessment -2 begins for K1, K2 & K3
28 Monday Pre Annual -2 begins for G10 and G12 CBSE
31 Thursday New Year -Holiday