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In addition, employees also like to have a good relationship with the managers. The be-
havior of the management to their employees can also impact the behavior of them. For exam-
ple, when managers are understanding and responsible, it influences their employees in the
same way. It is also the same with relationships between co-workers. There are companies
who conduct team building activities that enhance the relationship between members. With
this, it creates a positive and strong bond within the workplace that leads to motivation in eve-
ry employee. As stated earlier, there are employees who feel bored when going to work. Thus,
it is important that the work is interesting and challenging to their employees. Some ways in-
clude giving rewards or incentives, celebrating success, decorating the workplace, building a
wall of fame or simply creating activities during days like Christmas or Valentines.
Similar to Herzberg’s model, career advancement opportunities as a motivator influ-
ences the motivation of the employees. Employees look forward to being promoted to another
position because this means that they have done an excellent job. Likewise, they are motivated
when they learn from the company. Learning can be acquired through skills and experiences.
As they learn, they also develop their potential skills and abilities. Superiors should discipline
the employees in a good manner. In that way, the employees will feel more motivated rather
than fearful. They also need to envision and share positive outcomes with the employees. It will
help them to understand what it means to achieve a certain goal in the company.
Most significantly, employees are motivated when they truly love what they are doing.
Even though an employee should be flexible in terms of doing tasks within the workplace, it is
considered as a major factor for an employee to continue working despite difficulties. As a
matter of fact, employees who love and having fun doing their work are most likely to increase
productivity because they are being motivated to put more effort at work. Therefore, the com-
pany must take actions to encourage the employees to exert more effort by motivating them.
They must look into the internal and external factors which affect the behavior of their em-