P. 44

Afterwards,  Ms.  Angelica  Velasquez  discussed  the 4  BEst  strategies  on

            how to administer time management skills. The first one is Be Intentional: “Keep
            a to-do-list”. It is a manageable way to organize the task of an individual, stay

            mentally focused and keep tracked of the activities to do. The next one is  Be

            mindful of your priorities: “Rank your tasks”. An individual should prioritize the

            important  tasks  to  avoid  focusing  on  inconsequential  tasks.  Even  though  the
            time ended up, they were also able to share the two strategies through their

            presentation which is to Be Focused: “Manage Distractions” and Be rechargea-

            ble: “Get yourself a smooth breath”. Managing distractions can help students to

            keep track of the tasks to do. Likewise, taking rests and relaxation at times can
            ease the mind of an individual and helps to exert more energy and effort upon

            doing various tasks. After the discussion presented by the last two speakers,

            the participants were able to acquire knowledge about strategies on adminis-

            tering effective time management skills which they can adapt in different situa-

            tions. These strategies can be applied in real-life. The participants also recog-
            nized  the  cause  of  procrastination  and  relevant  techniques  to  overcome  this.

                      Lastly, the discussion greatly impacts the participants in terms of iden-

                      tifying their priorities and goals.

                      Generally, effective time management skills can greatly affect the phys-

            ical, mental, and social aspects of an individual. Providing appropriate plans and
            exercising conscious control of time to do various activities can increase the ef-

            fectiveness, efficiency and productivity of an individual. As part of modern soci-

            ety, it is a crucial skill to be practiced especially for students in a way that it can

            be applied to their profession and future success. Balancing time can lead to a
            higher acquisition of benefits. Thus, the knowledge provided from today’s webi-

            nar  can  greatly  contribute  to  the  participant’s  self-reflection.

            Moreover, effective time management allows an individual to fo-

            cus and keep track on their specific goals and priorities.
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